Did We Win?

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There was a loud roar and I screamed at the top of my lungs. My lungs, they’re working, I’m breathing! I opened my eyes and Cap’s hand was on my chest, Hulk was grumbling beside me and Tony was hovering over me and Thor was next to Hulk.

“What the hell?! What happened to me? Please tell me he didn’t kiss me… please.” I said, pointing to Tony. He rolled his eyes and Hulk roared. There were limp Chitauri soldiers everywhere.

“We won.” Captain said. 

“Okay… okay, yay! Good job everyone.” I was breathing heavily and sighed. “Do you think Fury will let me have tomorrow off?” I asked Tony. 

“You little smartass.” He smiled. 

“Man, I could really go for a beer right now.” 

“I’ll buy you a beer.” Captain said. 

“We’re not finished yet.” Thor announced. 

“Shit!” I yelled. “Cap, I need that beer soon.” 

“You’re hanging out with Stark too much.”

“He is my brother.” 

We got to Loki at Stark towers, I didn’t really walk, I was carried, but we got there. Loki said something to Tony about a drink which didn’t make me want one any less. Thor bounded Loki and Bruce turned back into himself. We listened to reports about us, some people said we were great and some hated us. We didn’t really care. Bruce put the Tesseract into a case for Thor to take home to Asgard and came back to stand in front of me while Thor and Loki used the Tesseract to get home. 

“Hey.” I tapped Bruce’s shoulder to get his attention. When he turned around I stood on my toes to reach up and kiss him. 

“Hey! That’s my little sister!” Tony shouted. Bruce was surprised and hesitated slightly before dropping the bag that was in his hand and wrapping both arms around me to pull me closer.  I was smiling and I could feel him smiling as well. I eventually pulled away from him and he hugged me and kissed the top of my head and chuckled slightly. “Are we going for shawarma or what?” Tony asked. Bruce left one arm around me and we walked to Tony’s car. 

The Invincible Girl and The Giant Green Rage Monster.Where stories live. Discover now