Stay With Me?

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When he was done, he stood up and helped me up. He put his jacket over my shoulders and also his arm and walked me to my room, pushing the button to open the door, then when we were inside he closed it, sitting me on my bed. He brought me some Advil and a glass of water and watched me take it, waiting for me to finish. Then, pulling back the covers so I could get under. He pulled them back up over me and put his hand on my cheek and I put my hand on his, he raised his eyebrows to ask if I was okay and I nodded so he started to leave. I tugged on his fingers right before they were out of my reach. 

“Hey Bruce…” I said sleepily. 

“Yea, baby?” he asked gently, looking down at me. 

“If it’s not to much…” I interrupted myself with a deep yawn. “If it’s not to much to ask, could you… could you stay with me, please?” I asked shyly. 

“Of course.” he nodded nervously, slipping off his shoes and putting his jack over me over the covers. He pulled the blankets again and got under them himself, scooting close to me, he kept his distance but I, knowing neither of us wanted that distance to be there, inched the rest of the way to him before curling my arms up and tucking my head away on his chest. Slowly, all his muscles relaxed around me and he hugged me, then slowly, my eyes were becoming heavier and I was getting sleepier. “Thank you so much.” he whispered and kissed my head.

The Invincible Girl and The Giant Green Rage Monster.Where stories live. Discover now