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A little past half way done, I noticed it was late. Me and mark traded phone numbers and I left.
When I got to my apartment complex, I turned the lights on and sighed.
'Wow,' I thought.
I slid down the wall to where my knees were level with my nose. I leaned my head back replaying today in my head.
I took a shower, changed, and headed to bed. Seconds before I closed my eyes, I received a text from Mark
"Hey, are u still up?"
"Aw man :("
"Anyway, tommorow is Friday. I was wondering if you can come over again and maybe spend the night?"
A grin went from one ear to the other in joy.
"Sure thing. Imma go to sleep." "Goodnight."
I was in marks bedroom. We were talking then he suddenly grabs my leg, inches above my knee. I let out a gasp as he makes a slight smirk at me, continuing to talk. I cut him off by taking his hand off of me, Placing it on the floor. He looked at me with confusion before I swung my body onto his lap, with me on my knees. He became wide-eyed and in shock. I took his glasses off and smirked. I whispered,
"Let me have control." and I violently grabbed his face and kissed him. He leaned forward and grabbed my hips,
"I've got this."
He then pushed me to the bed. I chuckled in excitement as he slid his hands up my shirt and grabbed my breasts. He shoved his tongue into my mouth, making me let out a moan.
I jerked up and suddenly was sitting up. I looked over at my phone and checked the time. It was about 5 minutes from my alarm going off. I sighed and walked to my bathroom. I rubbed my face and looked up at my messy hair. I surprisingly remembered my dream that entire morning.
During work, I decided to listen to some music that would get me in the mood to animate. It actually worked! I also wanted to get as much as I could done so Mark could see it tonight, maybe. I believe that was the most productive I've ever been with this project.
I was at my apartment making oatmeal. While the oatmeal was in the microwave, I checked my computer on Mark's channel, just scrolling trough. I watched his 3 most recent videos that I haven't watched. He posted one yesterday and two today.
After I watched them, I texted Mark.
"Hey I'm off work. What time do you want me to come over?"
He replied instantly,
"Any time is fine. Do you remember where my apartment is?"
"Sure do. Hey, do you want anything from the store before I come over?"
"Surprise me."
His response surprised me a little bit, but it made me happy that I could actually choose what to get. I prettied myself up, got my clothes and stuff together, and left to the store.
I went to Walmart and got some cute pajamas, for the ones I had made me look 12. I found this really cute shirt that had a really big hole for the neck. It was perfect. I also got Marks gift, and headed to his apartment.
I knocked on the door and I heard him yell from upstairs,
"I'm coming!" He yelled.
I heard rapid footsteps come down the stairs and unlock the door. I could do nothing but smile. He noticed all of the bags I was holding. Some from home, work, the store, and so on.
"[Y/N], you had to carry all of that here?! Here, lemme take a ba-" I yanked my arms away.
"One of these bags has a surprise for you in it. I can't take any chances!" I said teasingly.
"Ooh a present!" Mark said like a little child. I giggled.
We went in and I put all of my stuff in the corner of the living room. I took the bag with Mark's gift in it and scurried to Mark's bedroom.
"I'll be right back!" I said.
"Okay, I'll be upstairs," he replied.
I quickly laid the bag on the bed to reveal the blue, transparent gamepad.
'I really hope he likes it,' I wondered. I took it out of the box and put it behind my back. I walked up the stairs and looked around, he was in the recording room on the computer.
"Oohh Maaarrrk," I said, walking into the room.
"I have your suprise," I teased, " wanna see it?" I walked closer to his desk. He peeked behind my back but I turned so he wouldn't see. We both smiled. I brought my arms around to reveal the gamepad. I blushed and whispered,
"I really hope you like i-"
"OHHHH MYYY GOOOODDD. [Y/N] THIS IS AMAZING," Mark screamed. It made me blush really hard. It made me turn my head in embarrassment. Before I could say thank you, he came up to me and gave me a huge hug. His body against mine gave me a feeling that I've never felt before. I hugged him back and he eventually let go.
"Hey, do you wanna go play some video games downstairs? I was looking earlier and I saw that you had Super Mario World. I haven't played in years," I said. Mark raised one eyebrow.
"How tough of a gamer were ya'?" He asked.
"Oh, I don't know. 3 different kinds of DS or DSi, 2 Gameboys, 2Wiis, and both Xbox one and Xbox360. Oh, and I also played with PS2-4 a little bit. Each console I had at least 30 games for. Tough enough?"
Mark didn't say a word. He was in awe of my gaming expirence. He pointed to the door,
"Right this way."

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