Dont Slip

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On the way to Marks apartment complex, he started to reference some of his own videos. I chuckled at one, forgetting that he thought I wasn't a fan. I quickly said something that distracted him before he noticed.
I kept turning my head to look at his face as we walked. We both turned around at the same time and locked eyes. A smirk went across both of our faces. Blood started to run to my cheeks, which made me turn my head in embarrassment.
- - - - -
When he unlocked the door to his apartment door, my eyes started to widen. The first thing that caught my eye was the spiral stair case. The pictures of him in his red plaid flannel and his Markiplier pajama pants started coming to mind. I leaned on the wall and just stood there.
'Look at where you are!' I thought,
'Just, look!'
Mark looked over to see me in my trance of aw and thought. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. I tensed in shock.
"Now, let's see those animations, shall we?" He said, motioning to the stairs with his head.
I nodded and followed him up the staircase. I walked slowly, smoothly gliding my hand on the rail, with my pinky finger pointing in the air as the rest brushed against the metal.
Once we reached the top, we took a turn into his recording room. I just adored the gray, foam spikes on his wall. They've always caught my attention in all of his videos.
Trying not to waste anymore time, I sat my bag down and pulled out a smaller bag. I held it up with two fingers, and looked at Mark. He gave me a confused look, until I unzipped the bag and almost 15 flash drives poured out of it and spread on his desktop. Marks jaw dropped in awe.
"H-how much is that?"
"Enough for such a gamers enjoyment,"
I said while lining the flash drives up in a line. While still messing with the tiny boxes, I whispered something loud enough for him to hear.
"You know, I haven't even had this job for a month, and all of these are filled with not even a fourth of information, sprites, and full animation cuts for this game. Pick a drive. Any drive." I looked at him.
"I can already tell you'll have one hell of a time with these," I started to walk past the doorway, where he was still standing.
"I'll go get the popcorn."

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