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Killua sits in his room, on his bed, silently crying, having his daily mental breakdown. Hes leanred to control the loud sobs, so he doesnt stuff his face into a pillow unless its really bad. His mother just had an oh so lovely screeching match with her son, and by match i mean she yelled into his face and he took it. Killuas mom found out hes gay, and didnt take it very well.

Afterwards she beat him, and he held back the tears, putting a poker face on as usual unitl he can make it back to his room.

'Its all my fault...why cant i just like girls? Why cant i be normal!? I just wanna be loved...but arent i loved?..'

Killua thought to himself. He is loved, his mother said so herself.

"Listen sweetheart, i do this because i love you, i only want the best for you"

And at that moment, he heard a bang. And then another, followed another. Turning to the source he saw something being thrown at his bedroom window.


He thought to himself. Then it stopped, and some rustling was heard in a tree.

'Probably some animal'

He turned away and hugged his knees even closer, having yet another starring contest with the floor by the wall. Until he heard a knock. A knock? On his window? He turned and saw a face he could stare at forever. The reason he realized he was gay in the first place.


Gon? Whats he doing here? Hes all soaked from the rain and giving killua a bright ass smile anyway. So killua got up and opened the window, allowing gon enterance. But gon didnt come in.

"Gon?" Killau asked in a husky yet soft voice, slightly cracking because he is still crying. His eyes are all red from the tears, and one of them slightly purple from a black eye his mother gave him earlier. Hes got purple bruises on him and a couple cuts and blood. Gons smile faded as he saw killuas state.

"Lets run away" he said, giving killua a look of determination.

"What?" Killua asked

"Lets run away together! Cmon! Quickly before your mom finds out!" Gon said pulling killua closer.

Killua smiled and climbed out the window. Gon smiled back and wiped his tears, hit face getting wet again anyway due to the rain.

They climbed down the tree, and ran out of the backyard, jumping the fence and running further and further away.

After 20 minutes of mindless running and laughing they stopped, at a sheltered place in a forest. Theres a little set-up near a tree and an opening in the trees to look at the sky. The rain still hasnt stopped, and gon let go of killuas hand, walking into the tent-like structure, and turning something on, a stereo.

  ~ I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things ~

"Gon?" Killua called out chuckling. And gon came out with a smug smile,

~ We can do the tango just for two ~

Gon walked towards killua, spreading his arms open

~ I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings ~

Killua giggled and let gon pull him in by the waist

~ Be your Valentino just for you ~

Killua put his own hands on gons shoulders, but gon took one and interlocked them

~ Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy ~

Killua and gon giggled and smiled as they danced in the rain

~ What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy? ~

Gon spun killua and then pulled him back in, killua giggling as he got spun around and covered his feet in mud

~ Set my alarm, turn on my charm ~

Gon turned them, and dipped killua giving him a smug smirk again,

~ That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy ~

Gon and killua looked into each others eyes deeply,

'What is this feeling?..'

Killua questioned in his brain,

Gon leaned in his eyes lidded, and killua closed his eyes, leaning in too

They kissed

And it was amazing

Gon pulled killua back up, pulling him in by the waist.

~I'd like for you and I to go romancing

Say the word, your wish is my command~

Killua wrapped his arms around gons neck playing with the raven strands

Fireworks were erupting inside of killua, but in the best way ever

'Why is it so good?'

He question himself again

Then they pulled apart.

And starred into each others eyes, soaked by the rain that still downpours on them, and bathing in the moonlight

The words that came out of gons mouth made so much sense, and killua now truely knew what this feeling was

"I love you killua"

"I love you too"

And they kissed again pulling apart and smiling, bursting into laughter soon after.

Killua now truely knew how it feels to be loved, and to love others

The End

816 words

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