Late Night

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"God youre so rude!" Gon shouted at his boyfriend. "Says you! Have you met yourself lately!?" He screamed back.
The albino started again. "Atleast i know im an asshole and admit it! Why do you always have to be such a-" gon cut killua off with a slap. "How dare you! Dont even finish that sentence!" Gon yelled. And killua stayed silent, hand now on his cheek.

He looked up at gon, eyes shaking. And gons eyes widened. Killuas watered. He nodded and ran into his room, closing the door quietly. Gon looked at his hand.

"Shit" he mumbled under his breathe.

Walking over to the door, he knocked on it. "Killua?.." he asked quietly.
He got no response.

"Im sorry, i dont know what came over me" he said, eyes focused on the ground.

He heard shuffling on the other side, but it wasnt from anyone on the bed.

He heard footsteps, and they werent getting closer.

They were getting farther.

"Killua?" He asked again this time louder.

He heard something open,

A window.

Gons eyes widened "killua! Open the door!" He raised his voice. The noises stopped. And gon hoped that meant killua stopped trying to leave throught the window, and was thinking of opening the door.

After a minute of gon standing there, he spoke again. "Killua?" He asked. Getting no response he realized, killua already left. So he picked the lock on the door and opened it, seeing the curtains flowing from the wind coming in from the open window.

"God dammit" he cursed. Walking over to the window he looked down, seeing killua casually walking down the street to not get any attention.

Gon smiled at that, if killua wasnt running away at full speed that means he can catch him, and that killua kind of wants gon to chase him.

Whenever gon fucks up killua does 1 of 3 things. 1, runs away at full speed not wanting to be found, and gon will wait til hs comes back around to apologize with every fiber of his being. 2, sneak out and walk around town, waiting for gon to find him and apologize with ever fiber of his being. Or 3, stay there and let gon spoil him still apologizing with every fiber of his being.

Of course im not saying killua doesnt fuck up, he does. But this time its a gon fucked up situation. And for this one, he is surprised killua didnt pick option 1.

Gon ran down the street to find no killua. Did he pick option 1 after all?

But then gon came across a gas station, the pretty lights illuminating the parking lot. And he saw killua there, sitting on top of a phone booth, curled up and crying. The phone booth is behind the small building, and not very lit up. So killua decided to hide there. But gon found him.

"Killua..." he said walking over to it.

By gon calling killua by his name instead of one of the many embarrassing ones, gon was serious.

"Im so sorry, i didnt mean to" he said looking up and the beauty sitting gracefully on the booth.

He heard a sniff, then saw those ocean blue orbs looking down at him. "Didnt think you go that far..." he mumbled through his arms.

"Im sooooo sorry! I really wasnt thinking! I shouldnt have hit you im sorryyyyyyyyy" gon said.

Then he repeated the words 'im sorry' about 150 times before killua came down and he continued. He hugged killua and kissed all over his face, rubbing the red cheek thats his fault. "Im really sorry killua! I love you so much! I'll buy you chocolate robos! And anything you want! Im reallyyyy sorry!!" He kept apologizing and promising, and killua ended up giggling, then full blown laughing at gons behaivor.

Blushing at the affection killua pushed gon away. "Okok! I get it you big ass lug!" He rubbed away the rest of the tears. "You owe me 100 000 choco-robos!" He said.

And that came from a system.

Whenever gon fucked up, he would owe killua a certain amount of choco-robos, the bigger the mistake, the more he owed. And when killua fucked up, he owed gon a certain amount of kisses, and a time period for a hug. Because gon is cheesy AF and likes to see killua flustered.

"Ok..." gon said already feeling his bank account getting empty. Killua gave him a cat like grin, eyes shining. And gon chuckled pulling him in for a kiss.

"Youre so spoiled"

There we go! I just wrote 2 oneshots in the span of 1 hour! Im proud.

And here i only gave a small bit of angst and some fluff. So hope you enjoyed imma go become even more of a work aholic because i have a lot more shit i gotta do.

I love you all

Bye lovelys 💋

824 words

(Was made oct3)

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