Chapter 2

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Osamu Pov 

After school I met up with Suna by his locker I smiled when I seen him I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on shoulder 

Hi babe 

Hi baby 

Ready ? 


Let's go 

We headed out I grabbed onto his hand as we we're walking we walked towards our spot which was a dock and pond I made sure we stopped by the liquor store first before heading down to the dock I opened the door for my boyfriend before walking in myself we looked around before grabbing an already made Katsudon for me and my boyfriend I walked up to the counter with our food and chopsticks as Suna placed the drinks next to it I paid before grabbing our things 

We walked out and headed to our spot I placed our food and drinks down before sitting down I handed Suna his food and drink before getting mine we we're eating in silence before Suna broke our silence 

How far are you from reaching your goal of having top and bottom surgery ? 

1,000 yen it's gonna take awhile I only get paid 200 yen every other week from my job 

How about we do a car wash to raise money ? we can say that it's for new volleyball equipment I'll be in charge of the money and I'll make sure to put 1,000 yen away for  you 

You'll really do that for me Suna ? 

Of course 

I smiled 

I love you so much 

I love you more Osamu 

I put my trash in the bag should we tell the team ? 

I don't see why not 

I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat 

Me: Hey guys Me and Suna just came up with a great plan to make some money for new Volleyball equipment since we need a new net and balls how does a car wash sound Will be doing it next Saturday and Sunday 

I hit send and locked my phone now all I gotta do is wait my phone vibrated I opened it 

Aran: I'm in 

Kita: I'm in also 

Omimi : I have nothing better to do 

Coach : I'll work on the flyers 

Ginjima: Sure 

Me: Awesome will talk more about it tomorrow 

I smiled I'll finally reach my goal I pulled Suna into a kiss he kissed back 

Thank you Rintaro 

No problem my love I'll do anything for you 

How did I get so lucky to have you as a boyfriend I'll never know 

I feel the same way babe I guess we just were meant to be that's all 


We sat there for awhile longer before it started getting late I got up once I seen the sun setting I grabbed our trash with one hand and helped Suna up with my free hand we made our way to our houses hand in hand 

The walk to our houses was quiet but it was a peaceful silence we made it to Suna house I walked him up to his front door I pulled him into a kiss before telling him goodnight I waited for him to walk inside and close the door before I headed home I walked two houses down and walked up the drive way I noticed that my parents we're home I pulled out my house key and unlocked the door I walked in 

I closed the door and locked it I took off my shoes 

Hey Osamu 

Hi mom dad 

Are you hungry sweetie I made rice and beef would you like me to make you a bowl real quick I don't mind 



I headed to the kitchen where my mom headed I sat down on the bar stool she passed me my bowl and chop sticks 

Thank you 

No problem 

How was school sweetie ? 

It was good we found out that we're gonna play Itachiyama this Friday and we're planning a car wash for Next Saturday and Sunday which reminds me do you mind letting your co workers know about the car wash please 

I'll make sure to tell them 

Thank you mom I'll give the flyers once their made 

No problem sweetie 

I began to eat my food real quick once I was done I place my dishes in the dishwasher and made sure to hit start once i closed the door i kissed my mom on her cheek before telling her thank you again and good night 

I made my way up to my room once i walked in I closed my door and sat my things down I sighed and made my way to my bathroom I brushed my teeth real quick and made sure to take my binder off before walking out my bathroom I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep 

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