Chapter 6

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Sakusa Pov 

Seeing Atsumu in a bikini did something to me after I stormed off after the whole he's not my boyfriend comment I made it my mission to show Atsumu how much I love him he will be mine soon that's a promise I was laying on my bed when my phone vibrated i opened it to see Atsumu texted me 

Sumu : Hey Omi - Omi what happened earlier did I do something wrong ? If i did I'm sorry 

Shit I gotta tell him 

Me: You did nothing wrong I was just distracted by your beauty that's all I'll see you tomorrow okay good night 

Fuck nice going Kiyoomi now he probably won't talk to me anymore damn fuck my life 

Next day 

I made my way to the car wash so I can help them I let my cousin know and to tell other people to show up to support the car wash once I made it to the car wash I noticed that Suna was struggling to pull the cooler up on the sidewalk I ran over and helped him lift it 

Thank you Sakusa 

No problem 

Atsumu is holding signs now you can wait here if you want 

I nodded my head thank you I took a seat on the empty fold up chair and waited for Atsumu to be done I seen a ton of cars pull up those are a lot of cars I seen Aoba Johsai , Fukurodani Academy and Nekoma 

Bokuto and Kuroo walked up to us 

Sup bros we let our schools  know about your car wash so be prepared to be packed soon we thought that we would stop by and help you guys we also brought more buckets , soap and water buckets just tell us we're to go and will go there 

Just set up by Aran  and Ginjima 



Thank you Bokuto 

No Problem bro 

I didn't realize that they might not know about the twins I looked at Suna 

Do they know ? 

No they don't but the twins are gonna be holding the signs on the side walk so they shouldn't find out as long as they stay away from them 

I nodded my head okay that makes me feel better I would hate to see how they would react if they all found out 

I agree 

I stood up and decided on helping Atsumu hold up signs I walked over to we're I seen golden blond and black hair once i found Atsumu I smiled and walked over I wrapped an arm around his shoulder 

Hey Sumu 

Hi Omi Omi 

I came to help you guys hold up signs do you mind ? 

Not at All 

I grabbed a sign and stood next to Atsumu 

Do you guys have your binders ? 

Yeah why 

Because Fukurodani , Nekoma and Aoba Johsai are here to help and they said that they told their whole schools to come and to invite people to support you guys and my team coming to I just wanted to help you guys out so sorry 

It's okay Omi as long as they don't come this way will be good 


10 hours later 

We got a message saying that we're done and to head back I waited for Atsumu to slip his binder on and put a shirt over him to walk back once he was done we headed back to the others we placed the signs in the trash and helped pack up 

So whose excited for Summer training  Camp this is the first time in years that everyone coming I'm excited to play against all of you guys 

Crap I completely forgot about that 

Sakusa how can you forget Training camp when all of us talked about it  with coach not to long ago Your such a scatter brain i swear 

Sorry Lizuna senpai 

It's okay just remember please so we don't have any confusion 

Yes sir 

Well I guess it's time to leave will see you guys later again thank you for helping us today it really meant a lot to us will see you guys at camp  

I have to ask Atsumu out it's now or never 

Hey Atsumu 

Yes Omi ? 

Can I talk to you in private for a second please ? 


We walked away from our teams and friends once I made sure that they couldn't hear us I asked Atsumu the question I've been wanting to ask him since I met him 

Will you go on a date with me next weekend ? 

I would love to 

Okay how does Saturday at noon sound I'll pick you up 

Sounds great i'll text you my address I'll see you next weekend Omi-Omi 

See you next weekend 

I headed back to my team and cousin I seen that my cousin was smirking I rolled my eyes and continued walking to my car I got in and began driving home once I made it home I locked up my car and headed inside my parents we're on a business trip so I had the place to myself for a few days 

I went into my bathroom after grabbing clean clothes I turned my shower on as i stripped the hot water relaxed my muscles 

20 minuets later 

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed I made sure to dry my hair before brushing my teeth once I was done I shut my bathroom light off and walked into my room I put my dirty clothes into my hamper I sat my phone on the charger before laying down 

My mind was racing with different thoughts i can't believe that Atsumu actually told me yes to going on a date with me I'm so happy I waited forever to ask him out and now that i actually have I'm gonna make sure it's the best date that he ever went on that's a promise 

I pulled my blanket over me and fell asleep 

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