Chapter 19

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Atsumu pov 

After a few days in the hospital it was finally our release date the nurse wheeled me out to my parents car they helped me and Osamu into the car I thanked the nurses for their help before our parents drove off the drive home was short since we don't live to far from the hospital our parents helped us inside the house and into our rooms before telling us that they gotta go on a business trip for a few weeks 

They told us to call Omi and Suna to help us and keep us company while their gone I nodded and pulled out my phone to ask Omi if he can stay a few weeks to help me 

I locked my phone and just decided on taking a nap 

2 hours later 

I woke up to the door bell ringing I was about to get up and answer it when I heard Suna yell that he was gonna get it I laid back down and sighed I'm actually thankful that Suna got up to answer it because I would've struggled to go myself 

After a few minuets there was a knock on my door 

Come in 

My door opened to reveal Omi 

I smiled Hi Omi Omi 

Hey Atsumu how are you feeling ? 

I feel better than what I did the first few days 

That's good 

So your gonna stay with me ? 

Obviously or else I wouldn't be here now would I  


My boyfriend shook his head at me before placing his bag on the floor he walked over to my bed and climbed on the left side being careful not to hurt me I smiled my boyfriend can be really caring sometimes 

I laid my head on his chest 

He smiled before telling me that I stink 

Ugh rude Omi 

Have you not showered? 

I haven't showered in two days I need help because my stitches I can't really get them wet I need to put plastic or something around them 

Okay wait here 


A few minuets later Omi came back holding plastic wrap he helped me to the bathroom I held onto the sink for support as i stripped I stopped at my underwear because Omi never seen me naked before this is the first time he's gonna see me naked and my body probably looks all swollen and shit from the surgery fuck my life I wish the floor would just swallow me up right now 

Atsumu whats wrong 

Hmm Nothing just trying to figure out how to take my boxers off gently that's all 

How about we just shower with our boxers on if that helps 


Omi walked into the shower first I followed him in I made sure my back faced him most of the time I don't need him staring at my hideous looking chest not until its healed and looks normal the water turned on and all I felt we're little droplets of warm water since Omi was blocking the full force water pressure so my chest didn't get him 

I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and set his chin on my shoulder 

Why aren't you facing me babe ? 

Because I don't want you to see my hideous chest that's why I felt him kiss my shoulder and move on to my neck as he nibbled on my neck before biting it 

Your the most beautiful person that I've ever laid my eyes on never say that your hideous ever again mister am i clear ? 


Good now let me help you 

I felt Omi wash my back and chest area he moved down my stomach I felt my face go hot as he moved lower I stopped his hand and told him I could wash down there he let me once I was down I took a deep breath before turning around and facing my beautiful boyfriend he was made from the gods i swear there's nothing wrong with Omi at all he's the definition of perfect 

I grabbed another sponge and began to wash Omi chest and back I stopped at his boxers though I handed him the sponge so he can wash underneath his boxers which he did 

I turned around and washed my hair 

Once we were done we shut the water off and got out I grabbed the towels that we're hanging on the rack and wrapped one around my waist while handing the other one to Omi 

I walked out my bathroom and to my room so I can get dressed I slowly changed out of my boxers into dry one and slowly pulled on sweat pants I didn't bother putting a shirt on so I just unwrapped the plastic wrap on my stitches they we're all dry from water which is good I threw the plastic wrap away before sitting on my bed 

I watched as Sakusa walked out in just sweat pants also I felt my face heat up as I seen my boyfriend walk out shirt less 

Like what you see Atsumu 

I nodded my head 

He smirked and walked over to me before pushing me down gently on my bed He climbed on top of me and started kissing me 

We we're in a heated make out session until he pulled away and began attacking my neck I bit my lip and tried to contain my moans my nails dug into Omi back as he bit down on my spot I heard him growl before attacking the spot more I bit my lip harder I felt Omi pull away 

He had that stupid smirk on his face I felt all hot and crap he bent down and kissed me one more time before getting off me and laying down next to me 

I pouted 

Hey don't pout I promise will go farther when your healed all the way okay I don't need any of your stitches to rip plus your doctor told you no sex until your healed anyways 

That is true 


Whatever I love you Sakusa 

I love you to Atsumu 

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