Wrong Side Of The Island

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My eyes snap open, as if an internal alarm clock started going off. The first thing I think when I see the white door across the room and the light, green walls is, I can't believe I'm at Rafe Cameron's right now. And I slept with him!! Although, I can't totally remember our entire night together, I know it was really good. But I know I can never tell anyone-- not even Ava or Deirdre, and especially not JJ.

My head is pounding as I grab my purse from the floor and rummage around until I find my cell phone. I got a couple of texts and calls from both of my friends asking me where I am. Most of them were from last night after I completely lost track of my phone or what I was doing, except Ava texted me once early this morning.

are you ok?? where the hell did you go? please text me so ik ur safe.

I bite the inside of my lip. I feel bad making my friends worry like that. I quickly text her back, hey, i'm safe. i went home early, sorry.

I know they'll ask me a million questions the next time I see them, and I have no idea what story I'll come up with, but right now I can't worry about it. I drop my phone in my purse and pad downstairs. As I head down the steps, I notice the framed photographs on the wall. In one, there's Rose and Ward on their wedding day, Rose dressed in a beautiful, surely very expensive dress and Ward looking handsome in a dark suit. In another photo, there's Sarah and Wheezie much younger at the beach with the wind blowing hair into their faces, but they look happy playing in the sand. I notice that there's only a couple with Rafe in them. One of them is a family portrait with Ward, Rose, Rafe, Sarah, and Wheezie where they're standing together in front of a backdrop like the perfect, upperclass family. I can tell from Rafe's frown, though, he's stiff and unhappy.

I see Rafe in the kitchen so I walk in. "Uh, hi," I say.

"Hey. I'm making some breakfast," he says, his back to me.

I'm not sure why I'm surprised to learn that Rafe is cooking. "Oh. That's okay, but I was just gonna..."

"Trust me, you're gonna want some." He tilts his head at me, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards.

I've already stayed one night too long, I can't stay any longer. "No, Rafe, really, it's--

"Are you sure you don't want any breakfast? Dessert was pretty good last night." He looks at me and wipes his thumb along his bottom lip.

We didn't have dessert, so I know what he's referring to. My knees weaken slightly at the vague memory, but then a sharp pain stabs at my head. I groan in pain. "Do you have anything for a headache?"

His eyebrows shoot up. "Ah. You need the hangover cure. Follow me."

I follow him down the hall. When I step into the diminutive downstairs bathroom, I don't expect Rafe to step in with me, but he does and shuts the door. There's only a toilet and a simple sink with a mirror above it. On the back of the toilet, there's another framed photograph of a dog that must have passed away because I know they don't have one now. On the sink is some expensive French soap that Rose must have bought.

I turn around in the small space, feeling Rafe's body heat radiating onto me. The light remains off. Rafe reaches behind me and opens the mirror cabinet. He grabs a bottle of Midol, takes two out, and hands them to me with a cup of water.

I can't help but think it's incredibly sexy. I also can't help but notice just how close in proximity he is to me. If I lean forward just a little bit, I could probably kiss him. Not that I want to.

"Hop up," he tells me, padding the empty space on the sink counter.

I don't know why he's telling me to sit on the sink, but I do as told then take the two pills.

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