A Careful Eye

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I walk down the ramp as the front door to The Wreck shuts behind me, chatters and clinking glasses falling silent. I've just finished meeting Kiara for lunch, like I've been doing lately. She's about the only person now who never brings up Rafe or tells me how big of a mistake I'm making by being with him. It's refreshing. And she's easy to talk to. I also make her breaks more fun, or else she would just munch on cold fries at the counter. I dig my keys out from my jean shorts pocket and twirl them around my finger. A group of high school girls breeze past me, reeking of perfume and suntan oil. I'm just about to hop onto my bike when I see a familiar figure standing about twenty feet away, staring at me. His brown hair is tied back in a ponytail and his shirt is filthy-- filthy enough to where I can't tell if it was originally white or off-white. His motorcycle helmet is in his hand, but he doesn't move to put it on. Does he know I can see him watching me? It's like he doesn't care.

Lately, I've noticed Barry in places where he normally isn't but I go all the time; Shem Creek, Boneyard parties, and even the Country Club when I get out of work. For the most part, I've ignored it. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but now I know there's something more to it. Barry never approaches me, he never gets close, and never says anything. He's always at a distance and stays, staring at me, until he sees who I'm with, if I'm with anyone at all. When it's JJ, though, he doesn't leave. I've just about had enough of his stalking.

I sigh and leave my bike against the wrack. Barry sees me approach him and pretends to be busy fixing something on his motorcycle.

"Hey!" I shout.

He looks over at me like he had no idea I was walking right towards him.

His eyes move up and down my body. "Yeah?"

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Uhh... getting on my bike." He gestures towards mine behind me. "Looks like you could use an update."

I ignore his comment. "No, you're not. You're stalking me."

Barry snorts. "Stalking you? I don't think so, Princess. I got better things to do with my days than follow you around." He puts the helmet on so I can now only see his eyes. Then he throws his leg around the bike and revs the engine.

"Okay, so I won't see you later when I visit my friends? Or, um, at work tomorrow?" I snap.

Barry stares at me with that smug smile I want to rip off. "Whatchu want?"

"What do I want? You're the one following me! What do you want?"

He shakes his head. "I don't want anything from you."

I fold my arms across my chest. "I need you to stop following me."

Barry smirks, looking up at me. "I can't do that," he says.

"Why not?"

He revs the engine again. "Ask your boy."


Barry doesn't follow me to Rafe's. I throw my bike down on the grass and knock on the front door. I don't care who's home. "Rafe!" I shout.

A moment later, the front door swings open to reveal Rafe in a wrinkled shirt and messy hair. He looks at me, concerned. "What's going on?"

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