The Comeback

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***there is a part in this chapter that includes gun play during sex sooooo if that's too much for u maybe don't read this chapter or skip that part?? cause i don't really wanna hear negative comments on it, thanks :)

Rafe and I drove back home that same day. I'm not sure what changed Rafe's mind about staying in Miami for longer, but I wanted to leave. All I could see after Rafe's freak out was that gun. Everytime I close my eyes, I still see the shiny metal flashing in the light coming in from the window. He got angry with me for keeping things from him, but he didn't tell me he brought a gun on our trip.

Even though I had sex with him right afterwards, I flinch when he rests his hand on my thigh in the car. The ride back home is much quieter and calm than the way it was there. It's also a lot less exciting. I don't take my phone out once to take pictures, to check social media, or to read any of the new messages I got. I haven't touched my phone in front of Rafe since he read JJ's text.

Rafe doesn't make me drive on the way back, and I don't offer to. When I look over at him, he smiles softly to himself, and I wonder silently what he could possibly be thinking about. I never thought I would look forward to going home, to seeing my parents, and lying in my own bed with my sheets that smell like my mother's detergent. I fall asleep for most of the ride.


However, my feelings change once I do get home. My mother bursts out of the front door as I walk up to my property, and she throws her arms around my body. "Oh my God, my baby," she cries. "You're back. You're here, thank God, and you're safe."

Yes, a little shaken up, but I'm safe, I add silently.

"I got your letter. You scared me to death, Y/N. Don't ever do that again." She sniffles then pulls me back in again.

Inside, my father stares at me sternly over his glasses. I can tell he's relieved to see me back home in one piece, but he uncrosses his legs at the kitchen table, and I know exactly what's coming. "Sit," he tells me.

I glance at my mother. She nods. I pull the chair out across from him and sit. The house is eerily quiet. My shoulders feel heavy with everything they're about to say.

"Rafe Cameron..." my father begins. He licks his lips, thinking. "We don't want you seeing him anymore. He's made you act completely irresponsible. You're blowing off your friends and family, you're running away to other states without telling us... I mean, what has gotten into you?"

My mother steps up and places both of her shaking hands on my shoulders. "Baby, we were so worried."

I shrug her off, annoyed. "I was fine. I'm fine, see? I was never in any danger." But even as I say it, another flash of that gun appears in my mind, making my body tense up all over again.

"Look. We're happy and very relieved that you are home," my father continues. "However, you scared the hell out of us. Therefore, you're grounded. And you're no longer seeing that Cameron boy. That's final."

My jaw drops as my father pushes himself up to his feet. "But, Dad-"

"Oh, baby, please," my mother begs. "Please understand. We thought something horrible was going to happen to you. I mean-" She glances worriedly at my father, whose back is now turned to us- "he's.... troubled. I'm sure you know that."

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