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Raffaele watched Circe unconscious on the operating table, a doctor trying his best to fish the bullet out of her abdomen.

She was dead. His baby was dead.

He knew it as soon as Circe was shot, and as soon as blood started pouring from between her legs during the ride home.

His baby, his sweet precious baby, who he never got to meet, was dead.

He tried his best to hide his tears from the doctor, who had taken care of him ever since he was a young child, but as soon as he had removed the baby from the womb, he broke down.

She was tiny, the size of a small fruit, but even then, she held so much love in Raffaele's heart.

He wanted to cremate her, so he could carry a little bit of her around with him for the rest of his life.

Although he never got to meet her, she was still his first born, and nobody could ever replace her.

A few hours later, Circe was patched up and sleeping soundly in her bed.

She had fresh clean clothes on her, but was still covered in dried blood, she would have to shower herself when she woke up.

After nearly twelve hours of watching her sleeping, Ilaria finally convinced Raffaele to get some rest of his own.

He made his way to his room, and slept on his own.

Even with Circe gone two months, he had never gotten used to sleeping on his own, and the fact that even though she was home and he had to sleep without her, tore him in two.

As much as he tried, he couldn't get to sleep. After hours of tossing and turning, he had enough.

He hopped into the shower, washing off the dry blood, sweat and tears from his body, before changing into a pair of tracksuit pants and a white t-shirt.

He had dark circles under his eyes which were bloodshot from the amount of tears he had shed for his baby.

He walked into Circe's room and saw that she wasn't in her bed.

He began to panic, but relaxed when he heard the shower running.

She stepped out a few minutes later, wearing a long baggy t-shirt, which reached just below her knees.

"Here" he said, handing Circe a necklace with a vial on it.

Inside the vial, was the ashes of their baby, the date of her death engrained on the glass.

Circe immediately broke down into tears, she was at a loss.

She had felt her baby die inside her, leaving her all alone.

Her body which was once a cocoon for the baby, failed at protecting her.

While she was in and out of consciousness, she had felt the blood pour down her legs, and that was when she knew for certain, her baby was gone.

"Thank you" she sniffled, whimpering in pain as she raised her arms behind her to clasp it around her neck.

Raffaele tried to help her, but Circe moved away, not wanting to feel his touch against hers. It would make her sick.

"Circe-" he began, but she shook her head, walking into the closet to continue packing the bags she had already started on before her shower.

"Wh-what are you doing?" he asked, his voice faltering.

"I'm leaving Raffaele" she told him, her voice weak.

"What?" he asked, his voice cracking "But you-" he tried, but was interrupted by tears "You promised you wouldn't" he sniffed.

"That was before I found out the truth" she said, looking up into his sad eyes.

He nodded sadly. He didn't want her to leave, but he knew he couldn't stop her. He didn't want to keep her prisoner here, like she had been her whole life.

She needed time to heal and process things, away from him.

He left the room, and Ilaria walked in after him, having heard from Raffaele that she was leaving.

"I know I can't stop you, so at least let me help you" she said, and Circe nodded.

"Did you know?" Circe asked Ilaria, and Ilaria knew what she was talking about.

"No. I had no idea. I thought you were just a random assassin" she said truthfully.

"Okay" Circe nodded, packing the last of her bags.

She only brought what she needed. She didn't want to take too much, it was all bought with Marchesi money, and she felt sick at the thought of living off of their funds.

She had some of Raffaele's men bring her bags down to a waiting car, as she went to say her last goodbyes.

"Fleur?" she asked, knocking on her bedroom door, the room she had once shared with Kaia.

Fleur answered the door, her face wet with tears.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm sorry" was all Circe said, and Fleur nodded, knowing she was apologising on behalf of Kaia taking a bullet that was meant for her.

"You're leaving?" she asked, watching men walk down the halls with her bags.

Circe nodded sadly.

"Be safe okay? Stay in contact" Fleur told her, giving her a tight hug.

Circe walked downstairs, where Mario, Raffaele and Ilaria were waiting for her.

"Don't get into too much trouble" Mario told her, too upset on Raffaele's behalf to stick around, immediately walking towards his room.

Ilaria hugged her tightly.

"You better text me every day Missus" she said, a few tears falling down her face as she said goodbye to her best friend.

Ilaria left, leaving Circe and Raffaele to wish each other goodbye.

"Are you sure you won't reconsider?" Raffaele asked, and he cried some more as Circe shook her head.

"I love you Raffaele" she said, and he looked hopeful for a minute "But I can't forgive you"

He nodded sadly, and before she could pull away, he gave her a tight hug, making sure not to hurt her in the process.

"Goodbye, my love" he said as he pulled away, and watched as she walked out to the awaiting car, without looking back.

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