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He placed his cold hand on her thigh and she shivered in discomfort, he took it as a shiver of pleasure however and continued to run his hand up and down her thigh.

She continued to smile dreamily at him, but inside her head she was thinking of all of the ways she could murder him.

"And what's a girl like you doing travelling on her own? It's a bit dangerous, don't you think?" He asked her in a thick French accent as he sipped on the drink in his hand.

"My daddy thought so too" she said in her fake American accent "but I convinced him to let me, he couldn't refuse his princess after all" she giggled but cringed internally at the use of the words 'daddy' and 'princess'.

She hoped her innocent facade would work in her favour in this situation, reading up on his file before hand, she gathered enough intel to figure he preferred his girls more on the 'untouched' side of things.

He hummed in response, completely disinterested in what she had to say. His only goal was to score a place in her pants for the night.

His eyes darted down to her partly exposed cleavage. Enough to draw him in but not too much, as to maintain her 'innocent' look.

He moved his hand further up her thigh as she forced herself to form a blush as she looked down bashfully while pulling a piece of her short hair behind her ear.

He leaned in so far that she could feel his hot breath fanning the side of her face. She forced herself to maintain her composure and not let her face twist up in disgust.

"Why don't we take this upstairs? " he asked in a seductive voice that made her cringe internally, but she nodded in agreement.

He took her hand and lead her to the elevator. Being in the enclosed space with him for longer than thirty seconds made her skin crawl, but it made him even harder.

When the elevator doors opened he tugged her hand a bit too eagerly and lead her to a door at the end of the hall.

Before she entered the room with him, she made sure to check that the red lights on the security cameras were off.

The room was old fashioned and musty. It reminded her of the aftershave her grandfather would wear.

She hated it.

She refrained from crinkling her nose at the odour as she was pulled further into the room and in front of the big bed.

"Bit eager are we?" She questioned teasingly.

"Do what you have to do" he grunted out in reply as any ounce of staged respect he had for the girl quickly vanished.

Quicker than the man could even realise what was happening, she had him pinned down into the chair next to the bed. His arms and legs were then bound to the chair with his expensive ties.

"The fuck?" He questioned both in an angry and confused tone.

"You, sir, have been a bad boy" she smirked as she reached for her purse that had been dropped on the floor on the way in.

"Untie me. Now" he demanded. This only caused her to giggle humourlessly at him.

"Oh how funny. The man tied up before me thinks he has power over me?" She tutted "how embarrassing for you darling"

Her words sounded like pure venom and her sarcastic tone cut deep into his soul, letting him know that he was not getting out of this one.

"It's quite the predicament you have yourself in, isn't it?" She continued to tease, to rile him up a bit.

She enjoyed when they got mad. It made her a little excited, seeing them all worked up.

"What do you want from me?" He asked, choosing his words carefully so as not to give her a window of opportunity to prod at his ego a bit more.

"Nothing really, I just like to play with my food before I indulge" she continued to speak as she pulled a pair of gloves out of her purse, followed by a blade.

"Now" her tone switched from playful to serious and empty of emotions in an instant "Let's cut to the chase shall we? I'm going to kill you"

She watched as he gulped in fear.

"But you knew that" she continued and ignored his signs of distress and his fidgeting in discomfort at the situation.

"However, I have found myself to be torn between two decisions" she said and watched as he sighed out in what she perceived to be relief and almost chucked at it.

"I don't know whether I should make it look like a suicide or some gruesome murder that will leave the detectives baffled because they can't solve it"

"P-please. I have a wife. I have kids" he began to beg which made her smile devilishly as she spun the point of the blade on her glove covered fingertip.

"Suicide I think" she walked over to the wardrobe in the hotel room where a folder had been planted before the 'guest' had arrived.

"The middle aged man felt so bad for his unfaithfulness to his adoring wife that he slit his own throat open" she declared as she pulled some photos out of the folder and scattered them messily on the carpet of the room.

She watched as the mans eyes darted down to the pictures and as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"I didn't take you for a doggy-style kind of guy to be honest" she stated "But, I also don't care"

"Now, how shall we do this?" She asked as she, once again approached the now crying man. "Quick and easy, or long and drawn out?" She asked in a faked happy tone.

He whimpered as more tears fell down his face.

Fucking pathetic.

"As much as I would love to watch you splutter and choke on your own blood, you're not important to me and I have better things to be doing with myself right now"

Before he had to chance to say anything else, she brought the blade to his throat and made a deep slit.

She sighed in relief once the blade left his throat and watched the life drain from his eyes in the matter of a minute.

Pure red blood coated his expensive white shirt and dark blazer.

She removed the ties from his arms and legs so they hadn't been on long enough to leave a mark.

She took his motionless hand and placed the knife in his palm, which was facing upwards, and stepped back to admire her work.

His head was hanging low, face towards his lap. His once pristine suit, was now covered in blood and his skin was now a pale white shade.

A few blood splatters had made their way onto the pictures in front of him. The pictures proving his infidelity.

Gathering her purse and the folder, she removed her gloves and replaced them with a second pair that weren't coated in the crimson liquid and made her way to one of the many windows in the hotel suite.

She climbed out onto the metal stairs and made her way towards the blacked out jeep waiting for her at the back of the prestigious hotel.

She climbed in and made herself comfortable, not even acknowledging the man beside her.

Until he spoke.

"Report?" He voiced.

"Successful. Target deceased" she replied in a cold tone, almost as dead as the man she left in the hotel.

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