Fourteen || Somethings Might Happen

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Everyone was currently sitting together, watching the window. They had moved inside to the lounge.

All except Persephone.

She had told them that she was to speak with them separately. 'A test,' she said, 'to see if they were worthy to be associated with her family.'

They wanted to tell her there was no need but it took only a glare for her to silence them.

So there they were. All watching as she took the Malfoy's boy outside to the bench under the tree in the garden.

They wanted to eavesdrop, hear what they were discussing, but again another problem was in their way.


He had been assigned to watch the group and make sure they didn't do just that.

And no matter how much they tried to sway him, he never moved. It was clear he had put the girl before them, so they had long given up to only guess what was happening.

But you, my dear reader, have been given special privilege. The chance to watch and hear everything that is, has, or will happen.

There is only one rule you must follow at all times. Break it, and many lives will be ruined by it.

Never, under any circumstances, are you to interfere.

Do so, and the consequences may be, severe.


Persephone walked as if she had all the time in the world. And in a sense, she did. But next to her, Draco was drowning in nerves.

He was confused, scared, excited, scared, nervous, and did he mention scared?

Draco was filled with questions. Some he knew his mother would hit him on the head for, and some that would probably ruin a possible friendship before it could happen.

The two children arrived at the bench under the willow tree, (what was it with Persephone and those trees?)and sat down.

"You can relax, you know," Persephone said softly, hoping to calm his nerves, "I won't bite, promise."

At this, he let out a small chuckle; it sounded amused and a bit relieved.

"I feel like there is much you want to ask me, though I can't judge because I have questions for you as well. So, why don't we do this? We'll take turns, you ask a question and I'll answer to the best of my abilities, and then I'll ask a question that you have to answer. How does that sound?"

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