First Order

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Supreme Leader Kylo Ren

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Supreme Leader Kylo Ren

One year after being christened as the new supreme leader of the first order, Kylo Ren has grown himself some facial hair giving him a more grizzled look. he is also sporting a mechno-arm similar to Anakin's from the prequels after losing one to Rey in the previous rewrite (the facial scar was given to him by Luke, and he lost an arm to Rey. he got messed up by TWO skywalkers, Ironic). however his bionic arm is hidden underneath his glove so you won't see it often. Kylo also forges himself a new helmet, forging it from the pieces of the one he destroyed back in my rewrite of Episode 8. He is making strides as the new supreme leader, bringing in Grand Admiral Thrawn to assist the First Order in destroying the New Republic. he travels to the sith temple on Exegol to activate the Starforge, an ancient superweapon/space station built during the days of the Old Republic capable of draining the energy of suns to create armies. he uses the power of the Starforge to create a massive fleet of Star Destroyers and armies of reaper droids to invade Coruscant and reclaim his grandfather's inheritance. while Thrawn leads the Invasion of Coruscant, Kylo while leading an attack on the former Jedi temple (now a museum) he discovers a secret chamber beneath the temple where he discovers a door with the mortis gods painted on it, however he cannot open it without a key. Kylo travels to Mustafar upon learning from his force dyad with Rey about the door being a secret portal to the world between worlds of which he knew about from studying the history of the Jedi while training under his uncle Luke and plans on using it to go back in time and stop his grandfather from turning back to the light thus preventing the fall of the empire. he ends up finding Vader's sith holocron on Mustafar where he is confronted by Rey and the members of the New Jedi order. he offers Rey to come with him, saying that he will show her her future, and she takes his hand in spite of both Luke and Finn warning her not to leading to Kylo showing her to a portal where he tells her that this is where her future will be revealed leading to Rey being transported to the future and fighting a version of herself from a possible future where she turned to the dark side. meanwhile Kylo comes across a portal where he sees Vader's duel with Luke on cloud city. Kylo recklessly decides to enter the portal to Luke and Vader's fight on Cloud City to warn his grandfather of his future, however Vader doesn't believe him leading to a lightsaber duel between Vader and Kylo only for Kylo to be bested by Vader and knocked back through the portal expelling him from the world between worlds just as the Jedi Temple starts collapsing after being shot by a squadron of TIE fighters prompting Kylo to escape in his TIE whisper and return to the Starforge leaving Rey for dead. Kylo later confronts Finn and Rey aboard the Starforge, however he is bested by the two jedi with help from ghosts of the jedi past deflecting his force lightning and destroying his mechno-arm while Luke, Ahsoka, Ezra, and Cal sacrifice themselves to shut off the Starforge. Kylo is captured and taken aboard the falcon before our heroes escape the starforge as it explodes. Kylo is arrested for his war crimes against the galaxy and is held in a prison cell on Coruscant where he is visited by his sister Connie while the galaxy is busy celebrating the defeat of the First Order. during the Epilogue, we see Ben walk off into the desert of Tatooine to help atone for his past crimes and guide lost jedi to Rey and Finn's Jedi temple, now sporting a new cybernetic arm and white crossguard lightsaber.

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