Chapter 3: The Spy

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We then cut to the Millennium Falcon arriving on the watery planet of Mon Cala, landing on the floating coral city, capital of Mon Cala and birthplace of the late Admiral Gial Ackbar as it hovers over the iridescent blue ocean. once the falcon lands, out steps General Connie Solo along with the droids C-3PO and R2-D2. as the three make their way through the bustling streets of Coral City past several Mon Calamari and Quarren citizens who scowl at them. R2 beeps at threepio who tells him "I have no idea how you talked me into coming with you R2, the locals here don't seem very friendly. Mistress Connie, remind me... why are we here again?" as threepio cocks his head. Connie explains to the protocol droid saying "We're here on a diplomatic mission to get support from the Mon Calamari, after the battle of Crait the Republic Fleet has been depleted, and their fleets of ships could help bolster our ranks. plus Dameron and Tico are on a super-secret mission of their own so you and R2 were the only ones available" followed by R2 beeping in agreement. Mon Calamari guards point their spear blasters at Connie and the droids, C-3PO panicking saying "R2, I have a bad feeling about this" while R2 panics beeping loudly. Connie holds her hands up and tells the Mon Cala guards "hold your fire! we're here to negotiate, your people and your vast fleets of ships could be an invaluable ally in our battle against the First Order". the head Mon Cala guard saying "after the actions of your Republic navy costed the lives of respected Mon Calamari military leaders Admiral Ackbar and Lieutenant Bek? I don't think so. we broke away from the allied worlds of the new republic after the battle of Crait for a reason, because we don't want any more involvement in your war. drown them!" only for a young Mon Calamari bearing a strong resemblance to Ackbar to arrive on the scene telling the guards "That's no way to treat an honored guest and daughter of the brave Leia Organa! try to drown them and it's you who will be fed to the fishes... the big kind, with many teeth". the Mon Cala guards lower their weapons and look at each other in confusion, only for a Quarren bystander to point the finger at Aftab and tell him "Just because you're the son of a war hero doesn't mean you are one yourself, same goes for you young Solo!" and marches off. Connie Smiles, shouting "Aftab! It's so good to see you, haven't seen you since our days training together at the new republic academy" as she hugs the young Mon Calamari while R2 beeps in excitement, Aftab saying "Good to see you too, General Solo. Though I fear others on Mon Cala do not feel the same". Connie tells Aftab "sorry about your father. but I bet he would be proud of who you've become". Aftab tells Connie "Ah, maybe my father had seen me once since my spawning. His focus was elsewhere. But I knew him, I studied every battle... every victory". Connie shakes hands with Aftab, telling him "welcome aboard, Aftab. your piloting skills will greatly benefit the Republic Navy" before our heroes board the falcon and take off. after that, we cut to The Falcon landing on the New Republic military base on Kashykk. Connie, the droids, and Aftab exiting the ship to show Aftab a tour of their new base of operations with C-3PO saying "oh how it's good to be back" with R2 beeping in agreement. Connie has a reunion with Chewie who hugs his adoptive niece while Lowie rushes into the room to hug Connie who is happy to see both her Wookie friends. Connie then reunites with Finn and Rey, Connie telling Rey "good to see you again, cousin. oh and congratulations on your knighthood" with Rey saying "thanks, it wasn't easy" followed by Connie introducing Finn and Rey to the Republic Navy's newest recruit Aftab Ackbar, Ace Y-wing pilot and son of the late Admiral Gial Ackbar. Finn interjects, asking Connie "excuse me, but where are Poe and Rose?" General Ematt then shows up to tell Finn that the two of them are on a covert mission to the shipyards of Kuat to rendezvous with DJ who has gathered intel from a spy within the First Order ranks. Ematt asks Finn where his company of fellow Rogue Stormtroopers went, and Finn tells her that after the battle of Crait Company 77 left and hid out in the Endor system, where the last galactic civil war ended, to lay low from the First Order. Aftab tells Ematt "I don't blame them, ever since Hux got elected Chancellor the allied worlds have been falling out of favor with the New Republic, including my own". Ematt agrees, saying "with him in charge the First Order has gotten a stranglehold on the senate. since they haven't committed any terrorist attacks since the battle of Crait and with the spy in our ranks is still at large, I suspect they must be busy plotting their endgame as we speak. I can feel it in my bones". after that, we cut to the orbital shipyards of Kuat where we see the Supremacy dock into the shipyards for refueling and repairs. we then see both Poe's X-wing and Rose's A-wing arrive out of hyperspace at Kuat, Poe asking "hey rose, how does it feel being back at your old childhood home?" Rose then tells Poe "feels Nostalgic, takes me back to when me and my sister were kids growing up in the shipyards". Poe then reminds her "Just remember, we're here on a top-secret mission, not to reminisce on the past". BB-8 then turns his head to see a squad of incoming TIE fighters being deployed by the Supremacy and starts beeping frantically, Poe shouts "hey rose, I think we've been found" with Rose telling Poe "they're trying to protect the dreadnought, we're gonna have to take them all out if we're going to get close to it". the two ships dodge the incoming fire and take out the TIE fighters one by one before landing in the docking bay of the shipyards. the two take off their helmets as they exit their ships along with BB-8 hopping out followed by the two being caught red-handed by a pair of Sith troopers which causes the little droid to hide behind Poe's leg. Poe raises his hand saying "we surrender!" before Rose dual-wielding her blaster pistols shoots the two Sith Troopers dead. the two then steal their armor to disguise themselves as Sith troopers before sneaking aboard the Supremacy, the two splitting up to look for DJ. Rose runs into Captain Phasma, whom asks Rose (mistaking her for a trooper) why she has left her post. Rose salutes and informs Captain Phasma that she has discovered the location of the Republic's new Military base, telling her that it's located on Kashykk. Phasma tells Rose that Grand Admiral Thrawn would be pleased to hear this. We then cut to Poe and BB-8 running into DJ who is disguised as a First Order officer, Poe taking off his helmet to let DJ know that it's him, BB-8 beeping with joy to see him again as the two shake hands. DJ hands Poe a datacard, telling Poe "give this to General Solo. it's a Message from our spy hiding within the First Order". Poe puts the message inside BB-8 followed by the two meeting up with Rose who takes her helmet off and tells them that they need to go. Phasma enters the room with a platoon of Sith troopers and orders them to open fire on them. Poe and Rose escape, however DJ is captured. Poe tries to go back for him, but Rose grabs Poe's arm and tells him they've got to go. DJ then tells Poe "win the war" before he is taken away. Poe and BB-8 board his X-wing while Rose boards her A-wing, Rose telling Poe "hey, at least we made it out in one piece" followed by Poe telling her "yeah, it was easy... too easy" before the two flee Kuat, all the while Thrawn and General Pryde watch from the bridge. Pryde asks Thrawn if they're just gonna let the X-wing pilot and his lady friend get away, however Thrawn tells Pryde "our spy was with them, and they successfully delivered vital information about the location of the New Republic military base to us. you see, I let them escape because they already gave us what we needed from them. besides, they won't survive the coming invasion". Pryde then tells him "I never doubted you brilliance Thrawn, ever since we served the empire together in the old wars". Thrawn then asks Pryde "good. Now tell me, what is the progress in the production of the Reaper droids?" Pryde then tells Thrawn "the prototypes have been completed, they haven't been tested yet" followed by the reaper droids entering the room weapons in hand, Pryde telling Thrawn that these droids were designed to be the ultimate Jedi killers, perfect for combatting against Skywalker and his new Jedi order. Thrawn then rolls up his sleeves and spars with the droids hand-to-hand, the droids blocking his every move. Thrawn is impressed, followed by Pryde telling Thrawn that they still have yet to be put into production. Thrawn then tells him that with the Starforge, they can make as many ships AND Reaper droids as they can possibly need. we then cut to DJ being thrown into his cell by Captain Phasma, followed by Phasma telling him "we've got you now, code-breaker. there's no escape". General Pryde enters the room, with Phasma informing him that she caught the intruder. General Pryde looks at the imprisoned DJ as he lies in his cell, Pryde telling Phasma "good. we'll take him to Coruscant, Chancellor Hux will decide his fate". DJ overhears their conversation, saying "well that doesn't sound good". we then cut to the following night where we see Rey standing in Chewie's Wookiee treehouse overlooking the New Republic military base watching Poe and Rose's ships land in front of the base, only for her to be confronted by the force-projection of Kylo Ren, Rey asking her cousin "what are you doing here?" Kylo then tells Rey "Thanks to our Dyad in the force, I can see through your eyes. I saw everything you saw in the cave during Master Tano's trial, even your force vision. what you saw was the future". Rey tells him "I don't believe you". Kylo tells her "the dark side calls to you, cousin. you know it's true, that force vision of yours didn't lie. you're a monster, just like me. soon, everything you know, Uncle Luke's new Jedi order, all your friends, the New Republic, will be gone, the First Order will burn it all to the ground. and when that time comes, the only family you'll have left will be me" before disappearing. Rey then sits down to think about what she just heard, pulling the Jedi holocron out of her bag to look at it. Rey opens the Holocron with the force, showing a holographic image of a young Luke training his students during his days as a teacher at his Jedi academy, Rey recognizing one of the students as a young Ben Solo. while the four Jedi masters are buy instructing the younglings on the forms of lightsaber combat, Luke turns his head with concern at Rey. Ahsoka asks Luke what's wrong, and Luke tells her "It's Rey, she hasn't been the same since she got knighted. she seems.... scared, makes me wonder what exactly she saw in her force vision while inside the Origin tree. I'm worried for her, she's the only family I have left since Mara died". Ahsoka places her hand on Luke's shoulder, telling him "she's been through a lot this past year. maybe she needs some of your words of wisdom, go talk to her. not as her master, but as her father" while Ezra and Cal both stare at Luke. Luke hugs Ahsoka much to her surprise, telling her "thank you Ahsoka, you're a true friend". Ahsoka then tells him "anything for the son of my former master". Luke sits next to Rey, asking her "so what's been troubling you?" Rey tells Luke "The force vision I had in the tree, I saw... me. I succumbed to the dark side, just like Kylo Ren. the dark side runs deep in our family. you're the son of Vader, my mother was a former Inquisitor, and my grandfather was Darth Vader, one of the most notorious Sith lords that ever lived and a byproduct of Plagueis's experiments. I'm scared I'll become a monster, just like cousin Ben". Rey sheds a tear, and Luke puts his arm around Rey, telling her "Don't worry, kid. it was just a vision, none of it is real. the future isn't set in stone, trust me. I won't let you become a monster". Poe, BB-8, and Rose then hop out of their ships followed by Poe hugging Finn happy to see his old buddy again. Finn shows Poe his newly-constructed lightsaber, telling him "guess who just got promoted to knight of the New Jedi order?" Poe congratulates Finn on completing his training, telling his friend how proud he is of him. Aftab Ackbar shakes his hands with Poe and Rose, introducing himself as Ackbar's son. Poe tells him "I met your father. if it weren't for his sacrifice, we'd all be dead by now". Aftab nods his head, telling Poe "good to finally meet you in person, Commander Dameron. Connie told me stories about you and Black Squadron. It's good to hear that my father didn't die for nothing" all the while C-3PO and R2-D2 have a reunion with BB-8, C-3PO telling BB-8 "oh my, sounds like you and masters Dameron and Tico had quite the adventure, BB-8". while Poe is busy introducing Aftab to the members of Black Squadron, Rose sneaks off into the military base where we see General Ematt searching through the Republic Navy's database where he discovers the true identity of the spy: It's Rose Tico. Rose then tells Ematt "I'm sorry general but I can't allow you to live". General Ematt then turns around to see Rose holding him at gunpoint. Ematt then tells her "so that's why you killed Lieutenant Bek... YOU'RE the spy!" Rose then shoots Ematt through the chest with her blaster pistol before making her escape. Connie then enters the room along with the droids, R2-D2 panicking as he beeps. C-3PO then exclaims "oh my, what happened here?" in the response to the sight of General Ematt lying on the ground with blood dripping out of his wound. Connie then rushes to Ematt's aid, asking who did this to him. Ematt tells Connie "It's Rose... she's the spy" before dying in Connie's arms.

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