Chapter 1: The Forge

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We open up with a shot of the Supremacy hovering over the planet of Exegol, with both Kylo Ren and Grand Admiral Thrawn looking down on the planet below. Kylo asks Thrawn if these are the right coordinates, and Thrawn tells Kylo "I studied everything about its history during my time serving with both the Empire and the First Order; The Star Forge was a giant automated shipyard, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. It was constructed by an ancient race known as the Rakata five thousand years before the rise of the galactic republic. The Star Forge drew energy and matter from a nearby star which, when combined with the power of the force, was capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. The Star Forge, now a fusion of technology and dark side energies, began corrupting the Rakata in order to gain the immense power it required to operate itself and ultimately caused the collapse of the Rakata Empire. since then the Star Forge has been sought after by many Sith lords past, including the late Supreme Leader Snoke himself, or should I say Darth Plagueis, which led to him discovering the sith planet of Exegol within the unknown regions. Snoke provided me with the knowledge of Exegol's existence, a secret he only entrusted to his most loyal of followers. this planet is rich with dark side energy, the perfect place to house such a weapon". Kylo smirks, saying "with its power, we will be able to build a fleet capable of conquering all free worlds and make them bend to our knees" Thrawn then tells Kylo "History is on the move, those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. and those who stand in our way will not watch at all" while the First Order officers all stare at Thrawn with a look of distrust. Kylo then walks into the Supremacy's vehicle hangar where we see a platoon of red-armored Stormtroopers stand and salute their new leader: the Sith troopers. Kylo is then approached by Captain Phasma and the royal guards, a quartet of special red-armored stormtroopers with capes and unique weapons. Phasma informs Kylo that the troops are ready to depart for the planet. Kylo tells her "good. Snoke told me stories of this planet, the sith temple on Exegol is home a group Sith cultists. while they are not Sith nor force users themselves, they are loyal worshippers of the dark side, true fanatics who will defend their temple at all costs. they'd probably skin us alive for intruding on sacred ground if we didn't come prepared" hearing this makes the royal guards feel a bit uneasy before they are reprimanded by Phasma who tells them that this is an important mission, as what's inside that temple is the key to the First Order's victory against the New Republic. the four understand and salute with weapons in hand. Kylo, Phasma, and the Royal Guards all board the shuttle before descending down to Exegol's surface. once the shuttle safely lands, Kylo, Phasma, and the royal guards march out of the shuttle and trek up a mountain until they arrive at the entrance to the Sith temple sitting atop the mountain overlooking the planet's icy surface. they are then surrounded by Sith Cultists, pale-skinned humanoids in black robes. the lead cultist confronts Kylo, calling him an intruder and telling him and his men to leave this place at once, telling them that this is a temple to the great and powerful Sith and they are clearly not Sith the other Sith cultists start chanting "heretics!" "heathens!" "infidels!" . Kylo then ignites his red crossguard lightsaber, causing the Sith cultists to stop chanting and back away in fear, the lead cultist saying "Impossible... the red blade is a weapon of a Sith, how did you get your hands on it?". Phasma and the Royal guards aim their blasters, followed by the Sith cultists whipping out their knives along with their pet wolves surrounding Kylo and his troops and snarling at them with their eyes growing a bright yellow. Phasma and the Royal guards shoot down several cultists while Kylo butchers the wolves with his lightsaber before running up and impaling the lead cultist through the chest with his lightsaber, Kylo telling him "I AM Sith!" as his eyes glow the signature Sith yellow followed by the lead cultist's dead body falling to Kylo's feet. once all the Sith cultists are dead, Kylo enters the Sith temple where he sees a large hieroglyph resembling the Rakata bowing down to the Starforge etched into the stone wall of the temple. Kylo places his hand on the stone wall while Phasma and the royal guards stare at him awkwardly. Kylo says "Thrawn was right, it's here somewhere, most likely buried far beneath the planet's surface". Kylo then turns around to see a stone pedestal with a palm scanner on it. Kylo places his hand on the scanner, the temple recognizing him as an acolyte of the dark side. the whole planet starts shaking followed by Kylo and the others exiting the temple to watch the Starforge slowly rise out of the ice. once the Starforge is in orbit, we get a shot of the Supremacy passing by the Starforge just for scale. after that, we cut to a meeting between the Supreme council of the First Order. Thrawn, General Pryde, and even Chancellor Hux is there via hologram (since he's currently on Coruscant busy running the galactic senate) as they stand around a table to discuss their plans for the coming invasion, Hux saying that with him now the new supreme chancellor the New Republic will have no choice but to submit to First Order Rule. Thrawn sits in his chair and tells Hux "excellent, everything's going according to plan. The New Republic and their allied worlds may think they are mighty, but no one is infallible". a handful of officers squabble amongst themselves about how they don't fully trust Thrawn until they are all shut up by General Pryde who reminds them not to speak ill of the Grand Admiral, reminding them that he led many victories during the Clone Wars and the Imperial era, Thrawn telling Pryde "thank you, General. Just a reminder: I'm the one calling the shots here because our Supreme Leader recognized my brilliant mind, which is certainly not something any of you seem to possess. the only treason here is defiance of my orders". We then cut to Kylo Ren entering his personal quarters aboard the Supremacy to melt down the pieces of his destroyed helmet to forge himself a new Helmet before putting it on. Kylo now wearing his new helmet then enters the room along with Phasma and the royal guards, Kylo informing the Supreme Council that he found the Starforge, saying that the Invasion is ready to begin.

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