Chapter 5: The Eternal

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Meanwhile in Rose's prison cell, she suddenly coughs up a comlink which she uses to contact Thrawn who tells Rose over intercom "good work spy. we have successfully found the location of the Republic's new military base, all thanks to you" with Rose telling her "My pleasure, Grand Admiral" as she pulls out her necklace to look at it, saying "don't worry sister, soon you will be avenged"  We then cut back to Coruscant where Kylo Ren's shuttle the Knife Nine land in front of what was once the Jedi temple, with Kylo, Thrawn, and the royal guards exiting the shuttle, Thrawn informing Kylo that their spy has successfully located the location of the New Republic's military base on Kashykk, soon their military will be crippled meaning soon the Republic will fall. Kylo looks at Thrawn while his royal guards march past, telling the Chiss tactician "Excellent work, Grand Admiral. I have no idea why my men doubt your brilliant mind". Thrawn then tells Kylo "It is said that one should keep one's allies within view, and one's enemies within reach" in a passive-aggressive manner as he gives Kylo the stink eye, alluding to him having some ulterior motive. the two then enter the building where we see that the Jedi Temple has been turned into a museum containing several ancient Jedi relics, we see a tour guide droid showing museum patrons around the place. Kylo force-crushes the tour guide droid scaring off the museum patrons. after the whole place is evacuated, Kylo takes his helmet off to look at a bust of the late General Leia Organa, shedding a tear while the Royal guards look at each other in confusion. Thrawn, busy looking at an art piece on the wall, stops to look at Kylo and asks him "Tell me young solo, Does this place mean anything to you?" Kylo tells him "This place was once the temple of the Jedi of old. since Uncle Luke chose to train his new Jedi order on Lothal, my mother decided to convert the building into a museum as a monument to the history of the Jedi order. this place is all I have left to remember her by, it is her legacy". Thrawn smirks before turning around to continue looking at the art in the museum, telling Kylo "I understand". Kylo turns his head to Thrawn, asking him "And what are you doing, standing around wasting our time while looking at some old painting?" Thrawn asks Kylo "Tell me young Solo, did you ever study art?" Kylo tells him "No". Thrawn tells him "Then you should take the time. When you understand a specie's art, you understand that species. just as how I understand you just by looking into your eyes. you have the eyes of someone who's had high expectations put on you from a young age, that mighty skywalker blood. but you were unable to meet those expectations and let all of your masters down. your parents, Luke, Snoke, I've finally figured you out, Solo. you wear a mask to hide the eyes of a frightened child who's too scared of not being able to live up to your family name". the Royal guards turn on Ben and point their blasters at Kylo followed by Kylo igniting his lightsaber and holding it up to Thrawn's head with Thrawn holding his blaster pistol up to Kylo's. Kylo then tells Thrawn "You're the spy!" followed by Thrawn telling the solo child "My loyalties don't lie with the Republic or the First Order, my loyalty is to my people the Chiss. Your First Order is a pathetic bastardization of the empire's legacy, Too undisciplined, untrained and led by incompetent children. if it weren't for the starforge you'd still be scrambling for resources. I am a firm believer in order, Solo, and for a time there was order until you terrorists decided to throw the entire galaxy into chaos. I infiltrated the First Order's ranks with the intention of tearing it down from the inside, starting with you" followed by Thrawn calling in an air strike of first order TIE bombers that swoop down and drop bombs on the Jedi temple museum causing the ceiling to crumble as Thrawn and the royal guards make their escape. Kylo tries desperately to hold up the roof of the temple with the force, however doing so ends up severely straining him and the temple museum ends up collapsing with Thrawn and the Royal guards leaving aboard the Knife Nine. Chancellor Hux watches his explosion from the window of his office and smiles, Thrawn contacting Hux over hologram informing him that Kylo Ren was killed during the bombing of the former Jedi Temple. Hux smirks before ending transmission, Hux informing Pryde that with Kylo out of the way the title of Supreme Leader has now fallen to him. we then cut to crowds of Coruscant citizens gathering around the front of the senate building to witness Hux giving a hateful speech while Pryde and Phasma stand by his side and poor DJ is strapped to a light blade guillotine along with a cam droid hovering by recording and broadcasting the speech to the entire galaxy, Hux saying "people of all free worlds, we are gathered here to witness the beginning of a new era! democracy is dead, and from its ashes comes the dawn of a new empire! from now on there is no Republic, no First Order. there is only The Eternal!" as red banners bearing the First Order logo are draped over the senate building. Hux then orders Phasma to execute the prisoner, followed by Phasma activating the light-blade guillotine chopping DJ's head off. Chancellor, or should I say, Supreme Leader Hux holds up DJ's severed head to the masses, saying "Let this be an example of what happens to those who defy us!" the recording being witnessed by Maz and the space pirates, Maz feeling DJ's death through the force while the Crimson Corsair's crew try to comfort her. Thrawn also watches this from aboard the Supremacy, confirming his suspicion that the First Order has gone too far. meanwhile on Kashyyyk Luke, Ahsoka, Ezra, Cal, Connie, Poe, the droids, Finn, and Rey also watch the recording from within the New Republic military base all of which are horrified by the gruesome sight, C-3PO turning his head away saying "oh no, I can't watch" while unbeknownst to them a fleet of Star Destroyer arrive over Kashyyyk after exiting through hyperspace. we then cut to Kylo Ren waking up inside an underground tunnel located beneath the Jedi temple, coming across a large stone door with a painting of the Mortis gods painted on it, Kylo recognizing the trio of force deities from studying the Jedi texts as a boy training under master Skywalker. as he places his hand on the stone door, he notices two holes located on each side: one square shaped, the other triangle shaped indicating that the door requires both a Jedi and Sith holocron to open. Kylo then says "I heard about these legends from the Jedi text, but I never believed they were real until now. behind this door lies the portal to a world between worlds" before exiting the cave and boarding a parked TIE fighter to fly off.

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