Chapter 4: Fall of Coruscant

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We then cut to Poe in the war room showing the information on the datacard given to him by DJ to the members of High Command (along with the four Jedi masters plus Finn and Rey along with Chewie and the droids who are also present in the meeting). what shows up is a holographic image of the Starforge, Luke recognizing the Superweapon from something he saw in the Jedi texts. Rey asks Luke what the heck that thing is, and Luke explains that the Starforge is an ancient weapon older than both the Jedi and the Sith, a mobile factory and shipyard capable of creating endless amounts of weapons, ships, and droids. C-3PO looks at R2-D2 and tells him "oh my, that doesn't sound good" with R2 and BB-8 both beeping in agreement. Poe tells Luke "with something like that now in the hands of the First Order, they'll be able to conquer countless planets, fulfilling their desire to restore the Empire". Finn tells Poe "I've got a bad feeling about this" with Poe telling him "You and me both, buddy" while Chewie crosses his arms and roars in agreement. We then cut to Coruscant where we see the citizens of the planet look up in horror to see the Starforge as the massive superweapon hovers over the planet blocking the sun from view. Chancellor Hux sees the Starforge from the window with his collection of Sith relics visible from behind his desk (including a Sith dagger that'll be important later). General Pryde then enters Hux's office, informing him that they found a spy aboard the Supremacy. Phasma and two Sith troopers then present the captured DJ to Chancellor Hux. DJ then spits in Hux's face, telling him "You will never win". Hux gets pissed and slaps DJ across the face, telling him "you and your friends are powerless to stop us. we have already won, and the Republic will Fall" before grabbing DJ by the head and making him watch from the window, Hux telling him "now sit back and watch as democracy dies today!" the Starforge then activates and starts absorbing the power of the sun, followed by several First Order Star Destroyers spawning from the Starforge which descend towards Coruscant's surface, deploying squadrons of TIE fighters along with platoons of Reaper droids and Sith troopers who round up the citizens of Coruscant who flee in terror while DJ is forced to watch in horror. we see a Twi'lek child fall over and drop her doll all the while a squad of First order dropships deploy AT-ATs onto the streets of coruscant, the child's parents rushing in to rescue their daughter all the while her doll is crushed under the walker's massive foot. We then cut back to Kashykk where we see Rose walking through the corridors only for Connie to point her blaster pistol to Rose's forehead, Rose asking Connie what's gotten into her. Connie tells Rose "Drop the act, I know you're the double agent". Rose then punches Connie in the stomach, telling her "you're too late, Coruscant has already fallen..." only for Connie to warn everyone in the base over intercom that Rose Tico is the traitor and she killed General Ematt. everyone is shocked upon hearing this news, as Rose is the person they'd least expect to be a double agent working for the First Order. A pair of New Republic officers show up to arrest Rose, followed by Poe showing up to help Connie. Poe turns his head to Rose and asks her "how could you, Rose? you and your sister Paige were some of the best and most respected pilots in the New Republic military. I never expected someone like you to betray us". Rose gets angry upon hearing the mention of Paige, telling Poe "Don't you dare speak her name! my sister believed in everything the New Republic stood for: Peace, Justice, Democracy... she died for those beliefs. my sister, the only family I ever had, is dead because of you. I sold you out to the First Order because I was promised with the hope that Paige's death wouldn't be just another meaningless sacrifice if I did" before she is taken away to be thrown into her cell. Connie then enters Rose's cell before punching Rose Tico in the face knocking her onto the floor of her cell. Connie then pins Rose to the floor, shouting "This is for my mother! for Bek, for Ackbar! They're all dead because of you!" as she continues to wail on Rose, beating her into a pulp with Connie's hands covered in blood. Poe arrives on the scene to witness Connie beating up rose only for Poe to tell her "Connie stop! this isn't like you!" followed by Connie exiting the cell leaving the battered and bloodied rose unconscious, Connie telling Poe "I'm sorry" before hugging him.

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