Part: 2

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Y/N: Don't go... Jimin...

- You mumbled and Jungkook clearly heard that. Suddenly he lifted you up and slightly threw in the bed making your eyes open. You whined as you felt some pain in back. You looked up to find Jungkook looking at you with no emotion.

Y/N: What the hell you are doing?

Jungkook: Look I don't want you catch cold or something like that because I have many more stuffs to do. So take care of yourself.

- He replies to you harshly and went in the bathroom while slamming the door hardly. You flinched and looked down.

Y/N: His mood swings really get on my nerves.

- You realised that you are still in your wedding dress. You got up and went to your luggage taking out your nightmare. You waited for him to get for 15 minutes. You finally lost your patience and went to the door before knocking it and saying.

Y/N: How long you are gonna take inside?

Jungkook: Its my bathroom. I can take my time.

Y/N: Jeon Jungkook I live here too now.

Jungkook: So? What do I do? I already told you I will do whatever I want.

Y/N: You are such a jerk.

Jungkook: I know that babe.

- You stomped your feet on the floor while walking away from there. You sighed and waited for 5 minutes more hoping he would come out. But he still didn't came out from the bathroom. You sighed as you don't have any choice. You looked at the bathroom door once again.

Y/N: Screw you Jeon Jungkook.

- You unzipped your dress sliding it down. You quickly wear your pajamas. You were about to wear your top but you heard someone chuckling behind you. Your eyes widen and slightly turn to back finding Jungkook chuckling while being shirtless.

Y/N: What the fuck?!! You pervert!!

Jungkook: Come on don't act like I haven't seen you naked before.

- Your face turned red and you quickly wore the top before turning to him. You walked to him and said.

Y/N: That was different thing. Everything is changed now.

Jungkook: But why are you still same then?

- You froze at your place while looking at him blankly. He sighed heavily and walked away from you as he knew you won't answer to him.

Y/N: What makes you think like that?

- Jungkook turned and said mockingly while smiling like a idiot.

Jungkook: The way you do stupid things. I guess they became even worse. But you are still same. So clueless and idiot.

- You clenched your fist ready to throw your hands. Why did you even expected him to be nice? He is a jerk now which making you hate him even more. Jungkook rolled his eyes and plopped himself on the bed while you were still glaring at him. He looked at you and sneered.

Jungkook: You are glaring me since we were in dressing room. Please stop it now and let me sleep peacefully.

- He turned to other side and turned off the lights. You got on the bed and went to him slowly whispering.

Y/N: If you keep on arguing and irritating me like this. I will not hesitate to kick your ass out of the house.

- Jungkook turned to you but accidentally your hands slipped at his moment making you fall on him. You slapped yourself mentally because of your clumsiness. You didn't realise the distance between you both. Jungkook's eyes were staring in yours deeply. You both stopped your all moments as if time slowed down. You felt his both hands holding your waist. You mind went back to the past. You bite your lower lip nervously. He wrapped his arms completely around your waist pulling you close.

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