Part: 6

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- You felt your eyelids getting heavy. The cramps were already hurting you so bad you felt like passing out. Your tears fell from corner of eyes as you hugged yourself. You heard door opening making you look at the door as you got up slowly. Jungkook took off his shoes and saw your pale face. You got up and closed your eyes feeling so annoyed by the situation. You exhaled deeply and looked at him. He frowned seeing you like this. You clenched the letter which was in your hand before asking.

Y/N: Where did you went?

Jungkook: Why should I tell you?

Y/N: Fine... Don't tell me. Did you had dinner?

Jungkook: Hmm...

- He just hummed and went inside leaving you there. You sighed heavily and walked in the bedroom. You softly plopped yourself on the bed and closed your eyes. You felt pain started to increase which made you let out a sob. You covered yourself with warm blanket. You felt Jungkook lying beside you. You bite your lower lip trying not to make any sound.

- Jungkook was thinking deeply while staring at the ceiling. He couldn't get anything right. He was being a mess. He don't even know what he is actually doing. After getting married it has become more messed up. He glance at you then back at the ceiling. He softly mumbled under his breath.

Jungkook: Why is it so hard....? All I wished for a happy life....

- He turned around in frustration trying to get away these thoughts. You knew after what you did to Jungkook he would be so angry. But on the other hand you felt like he deserved this. You felt like you should just run away from all this. And the letter Jimin gave made you even more broken. It totally torn you apart. You felt like the things were going smooth between you both. You didn't even had thought about any of this. You felt like everything was breaking down. This man beside you....

He gave you so much happiness....

He loved you more than anything else.

He was by your side....

But one single mistake lead to this destruction.

- You put the letter beside your pillow which was crumpled now. You covered your mouth preventing from not letting out any sobs. You always wished to end this suffering but it started to increase day by day. Your tears were rolling down non-stop and on top of it the cramps were making it even worse.

Y/N: Did I really deserve this?

- You mumbled under your breath. Your lips were trembling. You felt like your breathing was uneasy. You didn't knew what was happening. It was strangely familiar.

It was a panic attack.

- You started to sweat heavily while tears streaming down. Your hands and lips were trembling bad. You felt like your throat is getting dried. You closed your eyes trying to calm yourself but you couldn't. You needed comfort. You felt loneliness is eating you up. You licked your lower lip as you felt so dry all of sudden. Your eyes were already red and puffy. You got up trying to take deep breaths.

- Jungkook heard the small noises which made him turn to you. He saw your scared yet pale face. Your tears were running down through your neck. Your forehead having small sweat beads. He saw your lips trembling as you clenched your fist against the bedsheets hard. He got up and hold you by your shoulder.

Jungkook: Whats wrong??

- You heard his voice but it sounded like it was just an echo. He was holding you but all of sudden you felt even more numb. You slowly opened your eyes. You gulped but still felt your throat so dried. You suddenly sobbed harder making his eyes widen. You never broke down like this before infront of him. It was more worse.

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