Part: 7

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Jimin: I ran away because you still love Jungkook!!!

- Jimin says staring in your eyes deeply. You looked away not knowing what to say. You were really confuse. You looked at him and said.

Y/N: If you think that I still love Jungkook then why did you spent those 8 months with me? Do you think like that I didn't love you?

- Jimin chuckled deeply and got even more closer to you. You felt his breath hitting on your neck.

Jimin: Stop it Y/N. How long you are going to lie to yourself?

- He backed away and glared at you. He walked out leaving you dumbfounded. You looked down.

Y/N: What did he mean by that?

- You walked out and went inside Jungkook's cabin. He quickly got up as soon as he saw you. He went to you and started to check if you are okay.

Jungkook: Do you want to go home?

Y/N: No No I'm fine Jungkook.

- Jungkook nodded still unsure about you. Suddenly you both heard phone ringing. Jungkook saw the caller ID. It was his mother.

Jungkook: Mom is it really important?

Jungkook: Okay Fine... We will be there.

- He hung up the call while sighing heavily. He looked at you.

Jungkook: Its family dinner and they said we need to stay there for a week.

- You nodded as you both can't help but go there. Jungkook went smiled a little and went back to work. You went back to your seat and started to make reports again.


- This time it was in Jungkook's farm house. You knew it's almost Christmas eve and that's why they all called both of you. You and Jungkook entered with a smile on your faces. You looked back and saw your parents sitting with a smile on their faces. You smiled and went to hug them.

Y/N: Wow I didn't knew you were going to be here!

- You again hugged your mother. You really missed her warmth and love. She smiled and caressed your head. Jungkook went to your parents and greeted them with a smile. Only you both know why you were smiling like this. You both didn't wanted to disappoint your parents. You looked at Jungkook as well as he does the same. You both suddenly felt awkward and quickly looked away.

Jungkook's Mother: Oh My you are here!!

- She says while smiling widely. You and Jungkook turned around finding Jimin walking inside with a wide smile. But soon it faded when he looked at you both. You both couldn't believe that he is here. He just looked and then looked at his aunt who is Jungkook's mother. He smiled and hugged her.

Jungkook's mother: Jimin where were you this days?

- She softly asks feeling bad about it. She looked at you who was just staring off space. Jimin slightly shook his head while looking down.

Jimin: I was trying to figure out things thats all...

- Your parents were still mad and hurt at the fact that he left their daughter. They weren't even looking at him. They just came here cause Jungkook's father and your father are best friends. Your father were friends too with Jimin's father but after what Jimin did made it awkward and now he came back but situation is now more worse and awkward. They both were staring at you. Jimin smiled and hugged Jungkook's father too. You wanted to escape this. This atmosphere was eating you up. You went towards Jungkook's mother and said that you are going to washroom. Jungkook knew what was actually gonna happen now. He clearly sensed the awkward tension filling up in the room.

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