Part: 9

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Y/N: Jimin and Jiyeon...

- You said as you stared at them from far. It looked like they were arguing about something. You looked away not wanting to see him. You clenched your bag and walked away from there leaving them alone.


- You went inside the room and found Jungkook resting while his eyes closed. You placed the food on the table as well the medicines beside them. You didn't wanted him to wake up. You sat beside him and softly caressed his hairs with a smile.

Y/N: What did I do to deserve you...

- You mumbled softly. You leaned in and softly pecked him but he holds your wrist and he kissed you back. Your eyes widen but you soon kissed him back. After few seconds you both pulled away and looked at each other. He stared in your eyes like you are holding his whole world. He got up and caressed your cheek. He again leaned in to give you soft peck. Your hands were resting on his shoulders being careful about his cracked arm. He then kissed your cheek and then your nose. He lastly kissed your forehead and said.

Jungkook: I love you so much.

- Everytime he confessed gave you strong butterflies and euphoric feeling. You held yourself back. You didn't want to tell him about the feelings.

Feelings were obviously mutual.

- You smiled and said.

Y/N: How are you feeling now? I brought your favorite food.

- Jungkook smiled and nodded. He knew you might needed sometime for yourself. He knew you still love him. He knew that.

Jungkook: Good.... Lets eat together.

Y/N: I'm not really hungry.

- Jungkook glared at you playfully and said.

Jungkook: Do you think I'm fool? You haven't eaten any single thing this morning.

Y/N: Jungkook please---

- He placed his index finger on your soft lips making you stop from saying further things. He leaned in and stared in your eyes directly.

Jungkook: You need to obey me or else I will not obey you and quickly get discharge from here.

- He said with his deep raspy voice making you blush out of nowhere. He leaned back with a small smirk feeling proud at the effect he did on you.

Jungkook: Shall we now?

- You snap back with flustered face and nodded. Jungkook giggled silently seeing you like this. You opened the rice container with his favorite curry in another one. Jungkook's eyes widen seeing you remembering that. He never knew that you would still remember this. He told you about this when you started dating. You smiled and turned to him.

Y/N: Now open your mouth.

- You initiated the action. You put forward the spoon and gave a small nod. He leaned towards and shoved into his mouth. He softly chewed it while looking at you. After swallowing down completely he asks.

Jungkook: You still remember about it? I thought you would bring my other favorite food that I told you recently...

- You smiled sincerely and said.

Y/N: I remember every single thing about us and mostly you.

Jungkook: W-Why...?

- He asks making you stop your actions. You were never able to forget about those precious memories and things. You loved him more than yourself. For you his every single mattered the most. And it still does.

"Love To Hate Me" [COMPLETED]♡Where stories live. Discover now