Part: 8

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Y/N: Wait.... H-How is that p-possible??

- You mumbled while looking at them. Suddenly Jimin looked up at you. He wiped his tears but then he smirked making your eyes widen. He didn't had any problem with your parents. It was just you. You felt someone beside you. It was Jungkook who also stopped his tracks at the scene he was witnessing. His eyes landed on you who was staring at Jimin with no emotion. Jungkook couldn't understand why his brother was doing this. He sighed heavily and said.

Jungkook: Y/N I really don't know why he is doing this...

Y/N: Why... What did wrong went that made us in this situation?

- Jimin after wiping his tears showing your parents a smile he walked inside his room. You went to your parents as Jungkook stood there looking at three of you. Your Mother smiled and said.

Your Mom: Y/N-ah Good Morning.

Y/N: Morning Mom.... What were you doing with Jimin?

Your Mom: Oh Jimin...

- Her smile faded as soon you mentioned him.

Your Mom: He came to us for forgiveness. He was very guilty for doing that. But his reasons were valid and he have feelings too... We tried to explain to him that he did wrong but he said he was struggling about this thing. It was all messed up that he wanted to solve it by himself but he didn't show up.... He was really feeling guilty for doing that.

- You couldn't believe that words. In letter he wrote he was feeling forced and the thing he told your parents was completely different. You simple nodded and looked at Jungkook who was listening everything. He looked really lost. He felt like there is nothing left. Everything was crashing down. It felt like you both are on broken boat in  trying to survive and help each other. You walked towards him. You noticed he was completely empty. No feelings. Nothing his eyes could reflect any feelings. You feel like he has lost everything. Even you. He felt like he is just breathing but nothing is making him feel alive. You both lost hope in each other.

Jungkook: I should go. I will see you later. I have somethings to do...

- He says and walks out. You were standing at your place not reacting on it. You both just had a sweet moment a couple of minutes ago and now he left you like nothing happened between you both. You clenched your fist hard and went inside Jimin's room.

Y/N: What the hell you were saying to my parents?

- You walked towards him and than he turned around. His shirt was unbuttoned. He was looking at you with raised eyebrow.

Jimin: What?

Y/N: Are you lying to my parents or...

- You walked towards him with glaring at him dangerously.

Y/N: Are you lying to me?....

- You both shared a intense eye contact. He smiled creepily and said.

Jimin: It was not any of it. I didn't wanted to marry you.

- His smile faded as soon he said those words breaking you even more. You were still at your place while looking at him with disbelief.

Y/N: W-What?

- Your tears started to fill but you didn't wanted him to see this tears. He doesn't deserve to see you like this. Jimin sighed heavily and said.

Jimin: Do you really think I would marry you? Just for our company? Do you really think like that?!

- He said pushing you towards the wall while trapping you in between. You had enough of this attitude of him.

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