How? Part 2. - [Cashby]

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How? [Cashby]

Part 2.


[A/N: hey there! sorry it took so long to put the second part to this :c I was really busy with school and problems. sorry! anyway, enjoy part two of this Cashby two-shot c;]



Austin had gone to the bar to get us some drinks when a girl came up to me.

'Hey there, handsome. Why are you all alone?' she purred, feeling my arm.

'I'm not alone; I'm actually here with my boyfriend Austin. Who are you?'

'I'm Danny's girlfriend, Abbey.'

'Then why are you hitting on me?'

'What Danny doesn't know, won't hurt him.' she winked.

'Uhm no. Danny's my friend and I am not gonna be heartless like you and hurt him. I'm sorry but I'm just not.' I said angrily.

'Oh yeah?' she questioned, as if she hadn't heard me. 'Well here comes you little boyfriend Austin. Let's see if he likes this.'

'What are you t-' I managed to get out before she grabbed my face and pulled it to hers.

I put my hands on her shoulders to push her away but she was strong, so I was struggling. When I finally managed to get her off me, I saw Austin on his knees with glass shattered all around him.

He probably thought I was kissing Danny's girlfriend.

I immediately ran to him, crying.

'A-Austin. Please that wasn't what it looked like. I-I swear.'

'Oh yeah? Then what was that Alan? Huh? Please explain because I don't understand. How? How could you do this to me Alan? I thought you loved me.' he cried.

'I do love you. She just came on to me.'

'Hah, as if. Everyone knows we're together, and you're just telling me that she didn't? Huh, how much more pathetic can you be?' he sighed. 'You know what? I don't wanna know. We are through. Take me home. Now.'

I sighed and helped him up. We said our goodbyes to everyone and promptly walked out the club.


As we drove home, I felt the urge to try to convince him that I didn't do anything wrong, that it was Abbey that hit on and kissed me.

'Au-Austin can we talk?' I stuttered. 'I need to explain what happened out there.'

'There's no need to explain that to me, Alan. I know what I saw. You took the opportunity while I was getting drinks to cheat on me with Abbey.' he said. 'I never thought you'd stoop so low. Not only did you cheat on me, you cheated on me with one of our best friend's girlfriend. I just hope Danny doesn't hate us and kicks us off the Spring tour.'

'Austin, that's not what happ-'

'Save it, Ashby. I don't wanna hear it.' he said crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I frowned and continued driving home.


'So you're going to be sleeping in the guest room, you have 24 hours to get your stuff out of the house, and none of that "let me explain, Austin" stuff, okay?' Austin said coldly as he put the keys in the lock and turned the knob.

With tears streaming down my face, I couldn't help but nod.

I can't believe Austin was kicking me out of the house for something I didn't do. I wish I could tell him, but he's just too stubborn.


I quickly grabbed a change of clothes and ran out of that room. I just couldn't bare the sight of him anymore.

My mood had just deteriorated, and I was near the edge.

There were noises coming from Austin's room, but I decided to ignore them.

'Alan! Come here!' Austin yelled.

I sighed and slowly walked to his room.


'What?' I asked.

To my surprise, Danny and Abbey were in the room too.

'D-Dany? Abbey? What are y'all doing here?'

'I've come to apologize for Abbey's behavior. Mate, I'm sorry that this fucking twat made a move on you. Don't worry, she'll be out of our lives in a few hours.' Danny said. 'You have anything to say?'

'Yeah, I'm sorry Alan and Austin.'

'Good, now we're off. Thanks for letting us in Austin.' Danny said before walking out of the room.

I tend to look at Austin and shot him a glare.

'I'll be out by noon tomorrow.' I said before turning around and making my way to the door.

I felt Austin grab my wrist and spin me around.

'Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly. Please stay you know I didn't mean anything I said.' he said. 'Please stay Alan.'

'No you made it clear what you wanted to believe so again I repeat I'll be out of here by noon tomorrow.' I said angrily before walking out of the room.

I've had enough of this nonsense.


<<noon the next day>>

I just finished packing my bags and I was at the door.

'I'm leaving Austin!' I yelled.

He immediately came rushing down, wearing nice clothes and his hair styled perfectly. He looked so good I had to fight the urge not to go running to him and kiss him.

'I'm so sorry please don't go.' he begged.

'No, I think it's the right thing to do, your choice was clear last night.' I said as coldly as possible.

'Well maybe this will change your mind.' He said walking up to me and getting down on one knee. 'You know I love you. You've been with me the whole way. From the start of the band to my heart surgery to when Gielle cheated on me. Please don't go, I'm begging you. Alan Anthony Ashby, will you marry me?'

Tears started streaming down my face, I've been waiting for this day ever since I met him. I can't believe this was going on right now, that he was asking me this right now.

'Of course I'll marry you Austin.'

He slid the silver band on my finger and stood up to kiss me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

Sparks flew all around.

'So does this mean you won't leave?' he asked kissing my cheek.

'Of course.'


[A/N: so what'd you guys think? Let me know. I might be opening the one shot requests soon. Don't forget to read my other stories, comment, vote, & fan.]

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