If I Could Save You. - part one (Flintceschi)

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Ever since James passed, Josh has never been the same. He insisted that he was fine but everyone could see that he was not. Sleeping at the oddest hours of the day, increased drinking and smoking, and wanting to spend more time by himself were just a few of the signs that told his friends and bandmates that he wasn’t alright. He stopped calling any of them to hang out and showed up late to most of the things they had planned.

No one knew Josh was in an abusive relationship with James- though the bruises that appeared on Josh’s neck made them suspicious sometimes. Even though James abused Josh mentally, physically, and sexually, the younger man still loved- or at least he thought he did- him. The young man was just tired of being alone. He felt that no one would ‘love’ him like James did. He was afraid that he was going to spend the rest of his life alone. He didn’t care for many things anymore- like his appearance, and his once favorite thing, food. He didn’t really care to look good for anything or anyone. He let his hair grow and his beard too- shaving it every two months or so. He also noticed that he wasn’t hungry often. And when he was hungry, he just drank. He drank until he felt he was going to pass out and called Dan.

The older man was always there when Josh needed him. He was there when he met James and, sadly, he was there when Josh found James’ lifeless body on their bed. He was there to comfort him every night the other called. Before Josh knew it, he had Dan falling for him. The older man felt a bit guilty about it. He didn’t want to feel like he was taking advantage of his best friend when he was down, it made him feel wrong. Still, loving Josh as more than a friend was something Dan couldn’t help but do.

This afternoon, as Dan was laying on his bed, he realized he couldn’t keep his feelings to himself. He had to tell someone about this, otherwise it’d eat him alive. He decided to call Max. He asked the older man to come over. The young man agreed and ended the call. Dan started pacing the floor. He ran a hand through his hair as he contemplated how to tell him that he loved Josh- as more than a friend.

Before he knew it, there was a knock at the downstairs door. He ran down the stairs and straightened himself up before opening the door. He tried to smile as he let Max in. The young man noticed this and asked Dan if everything was okay. Naturally, Dan said that he was okay. Max looked him in the eyes as he grabbed the man by his shoulders.

“I’ve known you for years,” Max said, trying to examine Dan’s gaze. “Don’t lie. Now, what’s wrong?”

“I-I just, god Max,” he replied, looking down at their shoes. “I like someone, okay? Someone I’m not supposed to like as more than a frie-”

“It’s Josh, isn’t it?”

“W-what? I didn’t even finish my sentence. H-how is it possible that you know?” Dan asked, getting out of Max’s grip and walking towards the kitchen.

Max followed him and sat on one of the chairs at the small table. Dan sat in front of him as he waited for the answers to his questions.

“Well,” he began. “Matt and I aren’t your type, Chris is too quiet for you plus he’s engaged, so that only leaves Josh.”

“Do you think he knows?”

“Oh yeah, he knows. I just think he’s still having a tough time with the whole James thing and doesn’t really realize it yet. The way you’ve gotten up at the oddest hours of the night just because he called you because he couldn’t sleep, the way you hold him, the way you fucking look at him. For fuck’s sake Dan, anyone with the ability to see can see that you’re head over heels for that guy.”

Dan blushed a bit, lowering his gaze to the table. The two friends talked for a while before Max said he had to go. Dan accompanied him to the door and waved him off. The young man sighed after he closed the door. He ran a hand through his hair before making his way upstairs, to his bedroom.

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