Chapter 6

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The days began to grow colder. Greenleaf slowly turned to leaffall and the leaves began to fall from the Star Tree. Pinefur and Strikeclaw had moved into the nursery, expecting kits. Moonfur seemed to be expecting kits as well, but she is far too proud to let herself lay in the nursery for moons on end until her belly was too much of a problem. As for Gemkit, she had fully recovered and she was finally ready to become an apprentice. She was supposed to become one nearly a moon ago.

"All cats gather here beneath the Great Rock for a Clan meeting!" Whitestar calls.

Fallenpaw and Greypaw grin at each other and go to join the cats near the rock. Everyone was huddling close to each other in an attempt to be rid of the cold.

"We are gathered here today to create three new apprentices!" Whitestar meows. "Gemkit, Bluekit and Icekit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed! From now on, you will be known as Gempaw, Bluepaw and Icepaw. Gempaw, your mentor will be Grassfur; Bluepaw, your mentor will be Featherwing; and Icepaw, your mentor will be Patchheart. May your mentors pass on everything they know to you and make you the best warriors you can be!"




Fallenpaw and Greypaw cheer loudly for their new denmates. The three new apprentices touch noses with their mentors excitedly.

"Meeting dismissed," Whitestar meows.

Fallenpaw bounds over to her mentor, followed by Greypaw.

"Silverstripe, can we go with Gempaw, Bluepaw and Icepaw on the tour around the territory?"

"Please?" Greypaw adds.

"If it's alright with Darkfur," the white she-cat looks at her friend, who was busily licking her chest fur.

"We can go," Darkfur meows simply.

"Let's go then. I'm sure Grassfur and the others would like to go before it starts getting dark again," Silverstripe stands, followed by Darkfur.

The four she-cats pad over to the new mentors and their apprentices. Grassfur was talking with Featherwing and Patchheart while Gempaw, Bluepaw and Icepaw wrestle beside them.

"Mind if we join you?" Silverstripe asks, giving Grassfur a look that Fallenpaw couldn't understand.

Grassfur sure understood as she turns her face away in seemingly embarrassment. "Yes. We should get going anyways."

The ten cats all exit the camp and start off on their journey.

"Let's start with the RowanClan border," Grassfur meows.

She leads them to the border, which was so dense with the rowan trees that were common to the RowanClan territory that the ground had nearly no leaves on the ground, all of them caught by the thick branches.

"Here's the border," Grassfur meows, showing the scentline with her tail. "It smells like the RowanClan warriors just marked the border. Take a sniff, Gempaw. You two as well."

The three new apprentices smell the scent. Gempaw wrinkles her nose, recoiling.

"It smells awful! Like crowfood!" she exclaims.

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