Chapter 7

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"Wow, how time flies," Greypaw comments. "The Meeting is tomorrow night."

"I know. It's weird, isn't it?" Fallenpaw flicks her tail.

"Speaking of the Meeting, did you see Gingerpaw and Porcupinepaw last time?" Greypaw asks.

"Yeah, but Gingerpaw is Gingerclaw now," the pink-ish-red she-cat meows. "And Porcupinepaw said something about her 'thinking she's too good to hang out with apprentices.' I just think she's embarrassed that she's friends with apprentices."

"So she won't be hanging out with us apprentices at the Meeting?" Greypaw questions. "That's dumb. She should at least hang out with her littermate!"

"Yeah," Fallenpaw nods. "I know I would if Featherpaw were still here."

The grey she-cat nods in agreement.


Fallenpaw slumps down against the outside wall of the apprentice's den. She was exhausted from training. Silverstripe had decided that they would train with Featherwing and Bluepaw that day, leaving Fallenpaw to teach Bluepaw a little. But Bluepaw was more advanced than they thought and Bluepaw utterly destroyed Fallenpaw in training.

"You too?" Greypaw's voice comes from beside Fallenpaw.

Fallenpaw glances over at her friend. "What do you mean?"

"Icepaw is really good at hunting. She and Patchheart are still out there, but Darkfur made me come back because I was dying," the grey she-cat explains. "You were killed by Bluepaw, right?"

"Yes," Fallenpaw groans. "I'll bet it's because they're Slatepelt and Darkstep's kits. They have the natural ability passed down to them through blood."

Greypaw nods.

"Hi guys!" Amberpaw comes bouncing up to the pair with Firepaw not far behind. "Did you guys train with the new apprentices today?"

"Yeah. Icepaw and Bluepaw are way more advanced than we thought, though," the pink-ish-red she-cat meows tiredly.

"Well, Firepaw and I got to teach Gempaw some tips on hunting rabbits today," Amberpaw meows. "She's really sweet and I'm glad we got to train with her."

"Lucky," Greypaw and Fallenpaw groan in unison.

Amberpaw giggles. "Well, now I'm looking forward to training with them myself!"


"All cats gather here beneath the Great Rock for a Clan meeting!" Whitestar yowls.

Fallenpaw looks at Greypaw in confusion. It was nearly time for the Meeting. After yesterday's training session that exhausted Fallenpaw and Greypaw, Silverstripe and Darkfur had let them stay in camp to hang out and rest today. As such, Fallenpaw had noticed Whitestar, Barknight and Lightwing talking quite a bit during the day.

"I know this is a bit last minute, but this was something Barknight, Lightwing and I deemed necessary," Whitestar meows. "Amberpaw and Firepaw, please step forward!"

Confused chatter comes from the group of cats. Fallenpaw curls her tail over her paws and watches quietly. The cats stopped meowing when Whitestar waves her tail.

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