Chapter 15

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"There you are, Fallenpaw."

The pink-ish-red she-cat perks up when she hears her name. Rocktooth was padding over to the apprentice with a scowl. But Rocktooth was always scowling, so Fallenpaw had no need to be worried.

"Hi Rocktooth. How can I help you?"

"You're coming with me," Rocktooth meows, motioning to the entrance to camp.

"Oh, uh," Fallenpaw begins, stumbling to her paws despite herself. "Whitestar said I shouldn't leave because of the-"

"Whitestar can kiss my tail. I need you to help me collect herbs and I am not making multiple trips to and from the Twolegplace, now let's go."

Fallenpaw shuts her mouth and follows the older she-cat out of camp. The two walk in silence and Fallenpaw began to feel very uncomfortable. It was weird being alone with Rocktooth. Fallenpaw had never been particularly close with Rocktooth as her sister was usually the one who had to be with her and there were no familial reasons for Fallenpaw to want to get to know her well anyways. Rocktooth was merely Mossflight's sister, Lilykit and Greypaw's aunt and the medicine cat. That was all.

It's hard to think that grumpy old Rocktooth is Mossflight's littermate. Fallenpaw muses silently. They barely even look alike too. I don't even think I've ever seen them act like sisters, to think of it!

"What?" Rocktooth snaps.

"I didn't say anything," Fallenpaw meows in surprise.

"I can tell you want to ask questions. Go ahead and ask," Rocktooth growls.

"Oh..." Fallenpaw mumbles. "Uh... why'd you wanna be a medicine cat? You look like the type to want to be a warrior."

"Easy, I've always liked plants. Fighting was more Mossflight, Emberkit and Rootkit's thing."

"Who's Emberkit and Rootkit?" Fallenpaw asks without thinking.

"Lightheart's real kits. And before you ask who Lightheart is, she was Mossflight and I's foster mother," the grey she-cat flicks her tail almost irritatedly at the mention of her sister.

"Ok..." the apprentice shrugs away the urge to ask more about Rocktooth's family. She didn't seem to like the topic. "Where'd the scars come from?"

"Fighting. I had to fight because the Clan used to be so small. Medicine cats had to fight in order to defend themselves and the Clan back then. Now with so many kits on the way, I don't think my future apprentice will have to worry about that."

"That sounds nice. Do you have your eye on a new apprentice?"

"Not yet. None of the kits who have been born have any interest in herbs that I can see," Rocktooth looks to the sky. "Is that all? We're nearly at the Twolegplace."

"I'm done," Fallenpaw replies.

The large square shapes came into view and Fallenpaw gasps in awe. She'd never seen this place before. Was this really like the place Flamestar came from? Rocktooth seemed to know the place by heart, as she just walked straight in. Fallenpaw follows more cautiously, her amber eyes watching for anything potentially dangerous.

"Oh! Hi Rocky!" a voice says, causing Fallenpaw to jump. She looks up and sees a kittypet sitting on a fence.

Rocktooth nods to the kittypet. "Cupcake. How are things?"

"It's going good! Sprinkles's housefolk just got a new house cat. His housefolk love her," Cupcake replies with a flick of her tail. "She's pretty nice and we've all been enjoying the sun while it's out."

"The lack of snow is making everyone tense back in my Clan," Rocktooth replies. "I hope it doesn't mean we'll get a blizzard."

"Oh yeah, that would suck," Cupcake nods. "You came for your plants, right Rocky?"

"Yes, if I could hop into your yard and grab some, Fallenpaw and I will be out of your fur.," Rocktooth replies.

"Of course! I never thought I'd see you bring a young one again, but here we are! Is this your new apprentice?" Cupcake asks as the two she-cats leap up onto the fence.

"No, more like a convenient helper," Rocktooth replies. "She's too far into her warrior training to be a medicine cat like me. Now Fallenpaw, go take a few leaves off that plant in the corner over there. If they look frost bitten, don't pick them.

Fallenpaw does as she's asked and starts taking some leaves off the plant. She still flicks her ear towards the other two as she listens to their conversation.

"I saw Hattie the other day," Cupcake meows, albeit more quiet than before. "I asked her about the kits and she said they'd run off. She's been worried sick. Next time you come around, could you help look? Even if it's just a little bit. They may be older, but I can't bear the thought of them running around without the ability to feed themselves."

"I'm sure they can figure it out," Rocktooth responds curtly. That was the first time she heard Rocktooth talk like that to Cupcake the whole time. "They're like their father like that."

"Sure, but that doesn't mean we can't be worried! They're you-"

"Hush up now, she's listening," Rocktooth hisses.

Fallenpaw flicks her ear again and finishes grabbing the leaves. She trots back over to Rocktooth with the leaves and presents them to her.

"Good job," Rocktooth meows with a small bow of her head. "Cupcake, do you know if Rain and his family are around? I want to check up on Shadow."

Cupcake shakes her head. "I haven't seen them around since last month."

"That's fine. I can check in on them next time. We have what we need. I'll see you later, Cupcake," Rocktooth nods to the kittypet and jumps up onto the fence. Fallenpaw quickly follows with the leaves in her mouth.

The walk was more silent this time. Rocktooth occasionally would stop to pick up some plants, but that was about it. Fallenpaw couldn't help but wonder what that kittypet would have said next if Rocktooth hadn't stopped her.

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