xii. blood & cherry.

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   OAKLEY CLIFTON HAS NEVER BEEN A MORNING PERSON. Not a morning person, not a winter person, and definitely not a 'skipping breakfast' person either. Today she had to mix all three of her most hated habits and get off her ass when JJ jumped awake early in the morning to the sound of John B's calling. Oakley had complained for almost fifteen full minutes as they all boarded the boat, her hair put into a bun, her outfit still consisting of her white swimsuit and JJ's brown hoodie over it and black flip-flops.

On top of her grumpiness is the fact that she hasn't cuddled with her giant furry best friend for almost two days and she's already longing to tackle him in a hug and have him slobber all over her.

The thought of everything makes the girl frown as she sits on the bow of the boat with her arms crossed and her legs dangling. Her eyes are puffy with exhaustion and her head fails to stay upright every couple of seconds as her body shuts down.

The Pogues simply laugh from inside the cabin.

John B had claimed that the only time they'd get good weather to go out to high seas and look for the marked X would be early in the morning, and for a determined John B, early in the morning meant early in the morning. It hadn't been a good feeling being woken up into a chilly cold breeze by one of the million JJ voice impressions and then be told that there was no breakfast and that they were immediately jumping onto the boat and sailing away.

Oakley Moon is now just a dull shell of what she would actually be if she had the energy she needed.

The girl eventually eases her head on her arms and closes her eyes as she lets the gentle swaying of the boat and the rough breaking of the waves underneath it lull her to sleep. JJ watches her through his shades as he drives, blue eyes slightly squinted as his lips curve faintly at the sight of the smaller girl tucked in his giant hoodie, with only her skinny legs exposed.

   "Alright, JJ, pin it here," John B brings the boy out of his trance.

   "Roger that! X marks the spot," he says and the boat comes to a stop.

Kie casually walks up to Oakley and lightly slaps her cheek once, making the girl jump awake with her eyebrows shooting up and her eyes squinting as they look around in confusion.

   "Chocolate milk sounds nice," she speaks incoherently before she realizes she's not dreaming anymore and stands on her feet.

She stretches her arms up and then her body, causing the hoodie to slide up slightly, revealing her curved butt, covered merely by the bottom part of her white one-piece. JJ watches with his mouth open into a slit, his blue eyes wandering all over her figure.

   "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," John B, once again, snaps him out of his reverie, "To going full Kook,"

A smile finds a way back into Oakley's face as she sprints down to the edge of the boat where Pope, Kiara, and John B start dropping the device into the water. The wire goes down for long, long minutes as Kie takes the job to hold onto the cable. JJ stands behind the wheel with Oakley next to him, John B watches the iPad that indicates the position of the marked X and Pope watches the camera of the ROV, waiting for something useful.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐀; jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now