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Emma sat in Cruella's car wondering if she made the right decision.
"Relax darling." Cruella said eyeballing Emma from the rear view mirror.
"We're here." Maleficent stated as they pulled up to Gold's cabin. They walked in to Mr. Gold and "Lacey" talking on the couch.
"And who is this?" Ursula asked about Gold's new friend.
"Belle?" Emma had to act surprised to keep Regina's secret. Belle remembered that Lacey didn't know Emma.
"Your ex-wife? The little wench who forced you over the town line?"
"No this is Lacey. Hello Miss Swan. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Gold greeted.
"I want answers!" Emma tried to stay calm.
"Well let's get on with it then. What do you want to know?"
"Let's start with an easy one. Ursula how do you know Hook?"
"When I was eighteen, I ran away from home. Hook found me singing in a bar. He offered me safe passage on his ship. My father offered him a way to kill the dark one. All he had to do was steal my voice. At first he didn't. We made a deal. I stole squid ink from my father in exchange to go where ever I pleased. He turned on me and stole my voice after my father destroyed the squid ink. He is the reason I became the sea witch."
"Wow. I'm sorry. Um...What are my parents keeping from me?" Maleficent took a deep breath.
"Before Regina's curse we went to your parents for help so we could find a way to stop it. We took them to the tree of wisdom. That's when Prince Charming first learned his wife was going to have a The tree needed the power of two galiant heroes. That's why we needed them. When they placed their hand on the tree it rejected them because of you. You had potential for greatness, you were the saviour. But you also had potential for great evil. " Emma gasped. her parents had no right to keep that from her! "They did whatever they could to avoid that happening," She paused again rubbing her necklace, bracing herself for the end of the story. "They are the reason I lost my child." Emma's heart broke even more.
"August knew as well." Rumplestiltskin chimed in. Emma's heart was racing.
"Now let's talk about our deal." Emma thought about it long and hard. She loved her family. But they hadn't been honest with her. The only people she let in...lied to her. She thought about Hook's secret versus her parents secret. Hook had ruined someone's life. They had lied to her about her!
"I can keep the pirate?" She asked reassuringly. "And Henry?"
"Yes and Regina already vouched for the boy. So did I." Gold said surprising her. "Well he is still my grandson." Emma took a deep breath.
"No one can know, not even Regina. But...I'm in!"

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