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Regina walked into Gold's cabin where "Lacey" was sitting alone on the couch.
"Did they leave you here all alone?" Regina asked.
"Finally." Belle rolled her eyes and got up so she could speak with Regina. "Have you found anything out?"
"No they're withholding information. How about you?"
"I have bad news."
"How bad?" Regina asked worried because of Belle's face.
"Very bad. Something that could change everything. That could ensure that the heroes lose."
"Emma is helping the villains." Regina lost all hope, if the saviour couldn't stay good, how could she?
"Do her parents know?"
"No I figured they would want to hear it in person and Rumple has been plastered to my side since I appeared."
"Yeah I guess. How are you doing anyway?" A tear rolled down Belle's face.
"It hurts. I still love him but after everything he's done to me, it's hard not to hate him. I'm so torn." Regina embraced her and laughed. "What? "
"Look at how far we've come." Belle went back to the couch and Regina left to go break the news to Mary Margaret and David.
She texted them to meet her at Granny's but she could never guess who else would be there. Henry sat at a booth with Hook.
"Henry? What are you doing here?" Regina walked up to their booth.
"I was walking to school when I saw my mom. I went over and she acted all sketchy and left. Killian has been telling me everything."
"Henry may I speak to Hook please."
"Sure." Henry sat on a stool and left Regina and Killian at the booth.
"Can I help you?" He asked.
"How much did you tell him?"
"I told him Emma was going undercover."
"We both know that's not true." Regina looked at him. "Right?"
"Aye but the boy doesn't need to know that." Snow and David came into the diner and sat down with Hook and Regina.
"So what's up it sounded urgent? " David asked.
"Do you want to tell him or shall I?"
"I will David already doesn't like you. Let's not give him another reason."
"Tell us what?"
"Emma has teamed up with the queens of darkness." David nearly exploded. Snow tried so hard not to cry.
"She is going to help them find the author and in the new world she is going to rule."
"And she is just going to leave us all behind? " David asked.
"Not all of us mate." All eyes were on Hook.
"What do you mean pirate?"
"She is taking myself and the boy." He directed his head at Henry. David reached over and strangled Hook.
"David!" At his wife's command he released the pirate and sat back down. Then it went dark.

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