Chapter 2 - Claire

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1 week earlier:

"Marley! Wake up! This is detention, not a sleepover" Mr. Smith called out to her, and she opened her eyes groggily. Marley was in detention, and she had dozed off since she barely got any sleep last night.

Ugh, if I'm not even allowed to do my homework here then what am I supposed to do exactly?

Marley crossly sat up straight at her desk. Her back hurt from sitting for such a long time and she felt the urge to stretch her legs, but she didn't want to get into trouble again, so she stayed put stiffly, her back feeling hard as a rock.

"I-I'm awake Mr. Smith," Marley said unsteadily, stifling back an enormous yawn that threatened to escape from her mouth.

"You better be." Mr. Smith answered back coldly, crossing his arms and frowned.

Marley rolled her eyes, careful not to be looking straight at Mr. Smith. Time seemed to roll fast and soon detention was over. Marley quickly got out of her seat and stretched her arms and legs with a big yawn. She leaned for the ground, wincing at the feeling of her back stretching and grabbed her backpack swiftly.

"Have a good day" Mr. Smith said briskly as Marley exited the room. "Don't be late again or detention will be twice as long" he warned, tapping his foot on the ground and crossed his arms tightly.

"You too Mr. Smith and I won't. I promise." Marley said earnestly, trying to get onto her teacher's good side. She needed to be on good terms with Mr. Smith or else school was going to be a lot harder.

She hurried out the door, relieved to get away from her teacher and sighed a huge breath of relief. She felt as if a huge load had been taken off her shoulders and looked around. The school was completely empty. Marley padded toward the exit only to be met face to face with Claire, a friend she'd made a week ago. She managed to avoid bumping into her the last second and dodged quickly out of the way, nearly hurling into the entrance door.

"Oh, hey Claire! What are you doing here? And its so late after school too, shouldn't you be at home now?"

"Hello again, Marley. Oh, I was just studying in the library." She answered smoothly. Marley frowned. The library was closed during this time, Claire was obviously hiding something, but Marley didn't point this out. Claire obviously didn't want to share it with her, so it was none of her business to ask deeper. It was probably something personal.

"So do you want to walk home together?" Claire suggested brightly, breaking the awkward silence that hung between them.

"Uh sure, I live in Greenwood Street, you?" Marley asked nervously, wondering how Claire would react to being asked something so personal, her friend always seemed to avoid personal questions. But obviously Marley needed to know where she lived if they were going to walk home together.

"Oh-uh-yeah so do I! What a coincidence!" Claire chuckled nervously and grabbed Marley's hand abruptly, leading her to the sidewalk, as if trying to distract her. Marley wondered why she didn't answer before if she had answered so quickly right now. But decided it was, once again, none of her business. 

I guess she feels comfortable now.

Suddenly a thought loomed into her head, no new neighbors had moved into Greenwood. At least none she didn't know about. The neighborhood had been as silent as before, and she would have surely known if a new neighbor had arrived. Marley didn't voice her thoughts aloud, and instead followed Claire toward Greenwood. For someone new in New York, Claire sure knew where she was heading.

"So, how long have you been here? I didn't notice any new neighbors in Greenwood, especially not any that have moved in recently." Marley asked her, suspicion rising in her belly. Claire looked surprised by the question and paused walking; uncertainty clear in her eyes. Marley's suspicion rose.

Finally, she answered, "Oh-I-Uh we didn't buy a house, we're only living in rent in one of the houses. My families a bit poor so we don't have many things so that's probably why you didn't see any moving trucks or vans." She answered in a pitiful whisper, as though it were too hard to speak about her life.

"You don't have to talk about it, I know what it feels like having some family problems. My mother, Barb Alden, died 2 years ago so I know what it feels like." Marley answered, sympathy replaced her suspicion as she heard about Claire's living conditions. Sadness rose in her belly once again as she thought of her mother, but she pushed it deep down. Marley forced herself to concentrate on Claire again, and noticed how distressed Claire was looking.

"B-Barb Alden? You're an Alden?" She whispered hoarsely, as though she feared what her answer may be.

"Uh yes?" Marley replied, confused by her sudden change in attitude. Claire looked genuinely scared, and horror erupted in her eyes. She hands were clutched tightly together, and her forehead was thick with sweat. She ignored her question, turning her face away from hers. 

"I need to tell mother..." She whispered the last part quietly, her previous disbelief and astonishment turned to furious anger, but Marley managed to hear it by straining her ears. Marley stood in shock. What in the world was Claire talking about?

"What are you talking about? " Marley stammered to a halt. 

A million questions whirled in her head. It seemed as though Claire had known her mom was that possible? Claire straightened herself and turned a mesmerizing look at her.

"It's nothing. I was just sad that you had to live without your mom." Marley narrowed her eyes. What a pathetic lie. It was clear that she was definitely hiding something.

Her excuse sounded too fake.  Maybe her mother and Claire's mother had been friends at some point and Claire just grieved for her. But wouldn't she have known that if their mothers had been friends. Marley's head hurt; this was all so confusing.

"Ok, let's just continue walking home." Marley answered stiffly, still ruffled by the conversation. 

When they reached Marley's house, they said their goodbyes and Claire padded further along the street, glancing back from time to time as though making sure no one was following her.

Claire looked a long time at Marley's house too, seeming to note everything about it down into her mind. Finally, with a last glance she shot a devilish grin at her house.
Snickering, she walked away.

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