Chapter 15 - Fun

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Marley's POV:

She inwardly gasped as the cold metal around her neck was tightly fastened shut, with barely any gap between her neck and the torturous object.

This was the object they used to control women. This was the object that would soon control her life. Every minute she could breathe, every heartbeat in her chest, every chance to see the sunlight, none of it was controlled by her now. The thoughts sent her mind whirling, and a cold acceptance was beginning to settle into the back of her thoughts.

Marley didn't know how to feel. Between her getting Master as an owner and getting a collar, she felt completely emotionless. She could feel her heart cracking into two pieces as she saw Xander's state.

He would've been taken to an emergency room if he were in normal conditions, but he wasn't. Marley herself could feel her head running around in circles. It was hard to think of anything properly when her mind was foggy, and her shoulder felt as if a fire was slowly eating at her flesh. Her eyes were watering from the pain, slowly turning into tears of despair.

A great sense of weariness swept over her, sucking her energy with it. She closed her eyes, if only for a minute to bring back some of her senses, allowing herself to only concentrate on Xander's hand softly on her foot, a comforting presence that told her she was not alone. The touch didn't completely sweep away her pain, but it made her feel a bit better. Like a small fire during a snowstorm, providing her with warmth and love.

But she couldn't make eye contact with him without thinking that he was here because of her. They wanted to hurt him because of her. They were both in this mess because of her. She didn't know why. But Marley was certain it had something to do with her. The way that Claire had spoken to her, about wanting revenge, was proof enough.

She could feel the numbness seeping away as Master walked behind her chair, untying her ropes in swift movements. She started, trying to move her body but to no avail. It was useless, the injection they had given her still kept her from moving her muscles.

Grunting, she gradually opened her mouth. She didn't know she had accomplished the movement until she felt a slight breeze tingle her tongue.

"Please, d...don't do this." She managed to mumble the words out, cringing inwardly at how weak she sounded but she really didn't care. Master ignored her. She could feel her lip quivering, ready to release every emotion she felt at the moment.

Her heart ached with pain and only pain, craving to see her father and mother and Jessica, see their smiles and feel their hugs one more time. Just one more time. Even for a few seconds.

She could feel her throat thickening at the thought of what would happen next. He was her owner now, and the leader of this place. He could do whatever he pleased with her. She was nothing more than a pet now.

She heard a choked muffle, and her eyes wandered down to Xander, finally making eye contact with him once again. His beautiful green eyes, she could stare into them forever. They were the hue of the new spring growth, bright and soft all at once. There were flecks of strength, of the kind of green that comes only as summer advances.

But now those eyes were filled with red rage, wild and dominant. Those eyes that were usually so soft or playful, now transformed into that of a beast. Yearning for bloodshed, revenge, and most of all, her.

She looked away; he was scaring her. His hunger for revenge was something she had never seen before. She tried to say something to him, but before she knew it her body was being lifted off of the chair.

She groaned, her body ached, and she felt a pair of hands on her back. Opening her eyes, she realized it was Master. His lips were curved into a smile, revealing his crooked teeth. She once again desperately tried moving her body, shifting it left to right, and as a result Master's grip just tightened.

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