Chapter 3- Diary

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1 week earlier:

Marley stood there confused, why did Claire look so...sinister whenever she smiled? It was weird, as though she had been smiling for such a long time she had forgotten what a real smile's purpose is. Marley watched Claire for a bit longer and quickly noticed Claire kept glancing back at the house.

Maybe she wants to visit my house someday.

Marley smiled at the thought. She'd enjoy that, Marley had been a bit lonely at home, with no siblings around to play or talk with. And her father had been busy working hard, providing money for the both of them, Marley appreciated his hard work but sometimes wished he could spend a bit more time with her.

As Marley started to pad toward her home entrance, she saw a dark green book with golden straps lying on the ground.

She reached down and gently grabbed it, it was the book Claire was furiously scribbling onto earlier. As she looked at it closer, she saw that it was a diary. Temptation rose in her to open the diary and sneak a peek, but it was a private thing and she had no right to open it without Claire's permission. Marley held the book tight and looked around. Narrowing her eyes, she could just make out Claire's long black hair fading into the distance.

"Claire! Claire, you dropped your diary! Come back!" Marley shouted after Claire, and ran after her, her breaths coming in gasps.

After a long time of dashing down the street, she had lost sight of her, and desperately looked around for any signs of Claire. After a moment of searching, she noticed a flash of black hair walking towards the misty forest that edged the street. Marley recognized Claire's green t-shirt and blue jeans and quietly walked after her, she had the feeling that she should be quiet. Something felt wrong here.

Why would she head into the dark forest? She lives on this street, doesn't she?

Marley remembered with a flash how quick and short her replies had been whenever Marley asked where she lived, and Claire hadn't shown her the house she lived in either. She had said she had piano class soon, so there was no reason for her to be going on a jog or hike at this time. Marley ducked into the shade of the forest and glanced around; she saw Claire walking purposefully into the woods.

Where could she be going? Marley crept after Claire, careful not to make a sound and avoided stepping on any twigs or leaves. As she followed Claire further, the more scared she became, the forest was beautiful but despite its beauty, it felt dangerous. It felt as if anything could pounce on her at any moment.

Finally, Claire stopped abruptly at an old tree stump and looked around, her piercing gaze traveling steadily. Marley ducked under a thistle bush and stifled a yelp of pain as several thorns jabbed into her. Marley peeked out cautiously, and her foot stepped down onto a twig, making a loud snap. Marley groaned inwardly; she'll surely get caught now.

Claire's eyes flashed to the bush in an instant, and she hovered there like a hawk. She walked warily up to the bush, panic sparking in her gaze, and looked forward, Marley held her breath in fear. Claire gasped as she saw Marley.

"Marley! What are you doing here?" She asked nervously, with an edge of threat in her voice. Marley seemed to shrink under her skin.

"I'm just uh- I wanted to return your diary! It fell and I wanted to return it to you. What are you doing here? I thought you had piano class s-soon..." Marley stammered to an awkward halt. Claire's gaze turned more hostile, and she snatched the diary out of her hands, her breath coming in fast and shallow with outrage.

"Never, and I mean never, open my diary or read it again!" Claire roared; her eyes were so wild with fury that Marley took several shocked steps back. Why was Claire acting this way?

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