Chapter 16 - Alaric

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Xander's POV:

Xander opened his eyes, straining to adjust his eyes in the dim light. He lay there for a few seconds, listening to the sound of his breathing. Ragged breaths were escaping his mouth, and he felt as though his insides were ripped apart.

What had happened? He wasn't at home back in his bed, where was his mother?

"" He mumbled out weakly, his throat parched.

He tried forcing himself to sit up but fell onto his back, his exhaustion and pain was too much to handle. He noticed he was sitting on a stiff bed, resembling the ones you'd find at the hospital. Xander turned his head around, a table with medical supplies was near the bed he was on, and he saw that several other beds with curtains around them were evenly spaced in the room. He counted about 12 of them. Was this some sort of medical center?

He struggled to make out the other things in the room, probably because there weren't any windows in the room. The only source of light was coming from the cheap-looking yellow lamp, placed in the far corner of the room.

That's odd, there aren't there any windows. Why?

As he observed his surroundings, a man walked into the room. Immediately Xander stiffened, recognizing Master, and his memory entered his conscious in an instant.


Marley being scarred. Marley being hurt. Marley enduring so much pain. Marley being taken away from him. It all played in his head too fast for him to handle. Marleymarleymarleymarleymarleymarleymarleymarley the name rang in his head again and again and again in endless circles, he had failed to protect her. What kind of a friend was he to her? There was one thought buried deep in his mind, he needed to make sure she was okay.

Itsyourfaultitsyourfaultitsyourfault the endless echoing was ringing in his ears by this point. He groaned, where was she? What was happening to him? Marleymarleymarleymarleymarleymarleymarley you didn't save her itsyourfaultitsyourfaultitsyourfault.

"Stop just stop! I can't handle this make it stop, make it stop!" He yelled across the room; his hands covering his ears in agony, "Shut up! Just shut up!". He felt as if he was going insane, he glued his eyes shut tightly. Even the tiny amount of light was making him dizzy.

"Well, well, looks like the medicine worked. He's been passed out for quite a while, though you never told me doc that he would become a bit wacko on the head." Master scoffed out, gluing his eyes on Xander. Xander noticed a woman with sharp features nod at him and walk out of the room. Xander weakly looked back toward him, barely able to move, and felt his body burning up again.

"Where did you take Marley? I want to see her. Now." He still felt dizzy, but he needed to get the words out. Needed to know what had happened to her.

Master's lips curved into an almost amused smile, and he slowly walked up to Xander's bed. He leaned down, one of his hands resting on Xander's shoulders, and whispered into his ears.

"Between you and me, she had a great time with me last night." The words were said with pleasure dripping out of them, and Xander didn't know how to respond at first.

Was he supposed to rage and fight, throw things over? Break things, howl, scream, all a fit of fury? Or was he supposed to sit and cry, bawl all his emotions out? Be a weakling for once and let himself just feel? He hated crying, it showed that he cared too much. But anger? It meant he was strong, and his face is stone, and his voice is sharp without any wavering, it meant he was done with everyone's crap.

He wanted to do both of them, he really did. But what was all he could do? Stay still like a loser. A fucking loser who couldn't do anything to help those around him.

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