Chapter 13 - Hopelessness

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Marley's POV:

In disbelief, she glanced at the man, trying to block herself from the world. She couldn't breathe, she didn't want to be here.

At that moment, when the broad man held out his hand, time had stopped. She could see everything, but at the same time, nothing at all. She could see black, but colors as well. She could hear every tiny sound but hear nothing.

She was in two different worlds.

"Marley!" Suddenly, her phase shattered as she heard her name being called out by a familiar voice. She tried looking around, but Claire appeared instantly, gripping Marley's shoulder tightly.

"You will not speak a word; you will do as Kendrick tells you to and if you don't your friend there will pay the consequences." Claire's cold breath whistled into Marley's ears.

Friend? What friend?

Claire brought out a small knife, and in a quick movement, she cut the rope that held Marley. For a quick second Marley debated on whether or not she could outrun her, but she knew that there would be no point.

Cold hands grabbed her shoulders, and she was pushed onto the ground, amber eyes flickered towards hers. Kendrick roughly pulled her to her feet, and she was taken beside the huge fire. A thousand buzzing noises erupted Marley's ears, as she heard the applause of the men.

She could feel her throat tightening, her palms clamming up, and heart pounding dangerously loud in her chest. A tiny bed was brought to the clearing, and the cheers grew louder at the sight.

But within all those cheers, a shrill cry caught her attention. She once again looked around for the source, but Kendrick's large hand grabbed her waist, lifting her above the ground. She felt numb, she didn't know what to do.

Marley twisted in his grip, trying to gain control over her body but it was no use, he was too strong.

"What's going on? What are you doing to me?" She cried out, her mouth tasting bitter. She kicked Kendrick with all her might, sheer panic was burrowing into her mind. She could still hear the raging yowls from the familiar voice, but she was in no state of mind to even care.

She was dropped onto the bed, and she quickly tried getting up, only to be met with a hard hit on her head. She could feel her head spinning as Kendrick and 2 other men grabbed her legs and arms.

She screamed, not caring what the consequences would be. She writhed around in a heap, and a grey fog passed through her lips as her chest tightened so hard that the world seemed to spin. Kendrick shoved the other two men aside and took out a needle from his back pocket.

He grabbed Marley's head and pushed it into the bed, a chain was fastened to both her legs and arms, the weight of the chains seemed to imitate how her mind felt.

Kendrick's hand was still on her head, she struggled to move it, only managing to turn her head to the right so she could see what he was doing. A needle was jabbed into her arm, and she let out a bellowing howl.

The pain in her shoulder ramped up from stiffness all the way to searing, blinding agony faster than she could blink. Just when the pain was at its worst, it dissipated, like fog off some terrible lake. The needle was taken out.

She couldn't move her body.

What are they going to do to me? Oh my god, I'm going to die, aren't I?

In that moment she asked herself, what did she do to deserve this? A huge inner turmoil played in her brain. Why was this happening to her of all people? Why couldn't it just happen to someone else, whom Marley could just pity over the news? Why, why, why?

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