Chapter 10 - Burn

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Marley's POV (Present):

"Claire?" Marley glanced at the black-headed girl, who was now grinning at Marley joyfully as if she found the whole scenario amusing. Marley glanced at her and back again at the woman, noticing the obvious similarities. The same eyes: which when you looked into looked like staring at the forest alone; same long and dark hair, and the same glimmer of hate in their eyes.

She wanted to ask so much, why would she do this? Why her? She never acted cruelly towards her, never brought her any harm. She'd only been kind to her. Heck, she'd only known her for a week.

But a simple "Why" was all Marley could silently whisper, hoping the hate and anger she felt would be visible in her voice.

"L-look...if this is about your diary...I-I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have touched it; I should've just left it where it was. P-please just let me go." Marley desperately tried to make them change their minds, but it was growing harder for her to stay conscious. The nagging pain in her mouth was growing unbearable.

"The diary? That's not even close to the reason why you're here." She seethed and spat on Marley's face. Shock flooded in Marley, which quickly turned to anger. She barely contained her rebuke, knowing that they could easily kill her if they wished.

"You are going to pay for what you've done; you will lose everyone you love bit by bit, and you will watch them crumble to pieces. You'll be wishing for death by the end of it, but you won't get that. You will suffer." Claire laughed hysterically, and the light in her eyes terrified Marley. She had never seen anyone with such a look in their eyes. Her pupils had completely shrunk and were glaring crazily at her.

God, she looks...insane. How did I not see it before?

"Dear, it's time. We should take her to The Sacrifice" The woman spoke up, excitement in her eyes. The Sacrifice? What were they going to do to her? She had never known she could feel fear like this, she wanted to vomit. Figurative knives stabbed into her stomach, and she could feel her head giving way. They said they wouldn't kill her, but what else could they do? She didn't want to think of the possibilities.

Claire looked at her mother and nodded, her wild state replaced with identical enthusiasm. As if on signal, 2 men barged in, and moonlight flooded into the darkroom. They barely looked at Marley as their broad shoulders lifted the chair she was sitting on; she felt the air rush into her face. Panicking, she kicked one of the men, but he didn't even grunt at the impact.

"Let me go!" She screamed and kicked her legs wildly towards the men. Not caring where they landed.

"Silence!" Screeched the woman, and she grabbed Marley's neck, cutting off her air.

Marley clawed at her hands uselessly, as her head spun while trying to gasp for air, screaming silently. She could feel her life slipping away, and the woman tightened her grip. Her long skinny fingers felt like long tendrils around her neck, and she tried to pry the fingers away, but small ragged wheezes were escaping her throat. She had no energy left. Her lungs were starting to ache, and her eyes were bulging, and finally, the woman let go.

"You will not talk, or else I won't care what my daughter says, and I will kill you." She whispered into Marley's ears as she gasped for air. The woman pulled away and gave a tiny nod to the men.

Marley's neck ached, and she could feel the bruises start to form.

I give up, there's no point in fighting, I'll have to think of something later.

One of the men blinked sympathetically at her, and Marley started with surprise. He looked to be around 18 or 19, but through his tough demeanor, she saw his soft and warm eyes.

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