Chapter 23
I hung up the phone feeling a little low. University was on a short break for Thanksgiving and I was flying to visit my parents for a few days to celebrate the holiday with them and whichever Aunts, Uncles and cousins were sticking around. Jamie and I were going together, leaving tomorrow, and I wouldn't see Ajax for 5 days so I was hoping we'd have dinner and spend the evening together. When he called to say that he and Nico had a dinner meeting tonight I wanted to say something, but I didn't. I just kept a cheery voice and told him it was okay, I'd just watch a movie and see him when he got home.
I was at his apartment, so at least we'd be together later tonight and have the morning together too. I trudged into the kitchen to see what was around for dinner. The fridge was stocked with a lot of food at least. Ajax had this housekeeper who also made food for him and she had left some pasta salad, fruit salad, there were some cold chicken breasts already cooked and seasoned, this amazing cole slaw that she makes and I knew his freezer was stocked with meals that just needed to be popped into the microwave.
It was early, but I was kind of hungry so I grabbed the bowl of fruit salad, a fork and brought it into the den to see what was on TV. I flicked around from show to show while I chowed on some fruit. Usually when I was watching TV with someone, they wouldn't let me hold the remote because I tended to click around watching a bunch of shows, clicking to another during the commercials or when one got boring. It drove my friends crazy, but it was hard to find a show that held my attention long enough to stick with it for a whole hour or even half hour, unless it was really good. Usually the only time I could sit and watch a show without some other stimulation was when I was doing a chore like folding my laundry, but here at Ajax's he insisted that I put any clothes I needed washed into the hamper for his housekeeper to take care of. It felt weird to me, but when I was here, he was the boss after all.
I got a text from Jamie double checking on the time that Ajax and I would be picking her up for the airport, she was staying over with Dennis. I was glad I'd have a few days to catch up with Jamie, and we'd also see our other friends from High School. Neither of us was ready to introduce our 'Doms' to our families, no one back home knew about our adopted lifestyle. I didn't know if my parents would ever approve so when Ajax and I talked about it, we agreed that when (I thought 'if') he met them, I would introduce Ajax as my boyfriend. Jamie was going to do the same with Dennis.
For now, I was just going to let them get used to the idea that I had a steady boyfriend. They knew I was gay, they had no problem with that luckily, but I knew they would have concerns with the age difference and worry that I would get too distracted when I had to focus on school. My ace in the hole with that would be how much my grades had improved since I started being with Ajax. That was undeniable. As for the age difference, they would just have to understand. Guys my age weren't mature enough to handle my issues much less understand how to handle me when I was having a freak out; proof of that was how most boys backed off as soon as I either told them or they saw some of my peculiar behaviours. I was really lucky to have Ajax. He was perfect and perfect for me.
A little while later I got a text from him.
Ajax: Hey pet, what are you doing?
Benji: Just chilling
Benji: Sir
Ajax: Did you find a movie to watch? Did you have dinner?
Benji: Not yet, not yet :)
Ajax: Find something to eat pet. If you can't find a movie, log into my Netflix acct
Benji: Sir, yes Sir :P
Special Handling (manxman)
RomanceThis is Benji's story (from Breaking Finn) and how he met Ajax. Benji is 19, he suffers from A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), but with a lot of support from his family and his best friend he has learned to cope well with it a...