Chapter 1./Prologue Luna's Pov

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It all begun on a Monday night, when these monsterous animals started to haunt me. The only thing I had to defend myself was a flashlight, which I guess hurt their eyes. After the first night with these monsterous animals, I just sat there on my bed trembling with fear. Tonight would now be my second night with the monsterous animals, and I was scared of what they would do to me if I failed to catch   them in time. I grabbed my flashlight from my dresser, and took a few seconds to gather any courage within me. I hopped off my bed and swiftly ran over to the closet. When I opened the closet, my flashlight caught a glimpse of the fox's hook. As soon as I saw his hook I closed the closet door as fast as possible. "C'mon lass, if ye let me out it'll only hurt a little." The monsterous fox said. "No! I don't want to die!" I yelled. I honestly didn't know if he was going to kill me, but I didn't want to take any chances! I looked through the cracks from the closet and saw that the monsterous fox had been replaced with a plush fox that looked just like him. I let out a sigh of relief. I looked over to my bed just to see two of the three little bears siting on my bed with their heads shaking rapidly. Right as I turned my flashlight on them they covered their eyes and crawled right back under the bed. The way they moved was almost paranormal,it sent a chill down my spine, it was very different from what I've seen. An hour had gone by and everything was getting worse, the animals were getting faster and more aggressive. My heart was beating as if I were going to have a heart attack. I went back to the bed and hopped on trying to give my heart a break. I held my Skyfire necklace close to my chest with my long black hair covering some of my vision. The only reason of how I even got this far in their 'game' was because of my Night vision and good hearing. Trying to calm myself down I thought to myself. 'It's ok Luna, it'll all be over soon' Hearing the next sound I hopped to my feet and went to take care of it. 'It's got to end'

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