Chapter 12. Nightmare Freddy's Pov

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Tonight was Luna's fourth night, where everyone was going to go rabid on her. After last night, I had to convince everyone that the reason why Luna was still alive, was that she hid and I couldn't find her. And as you'd expect they were disappointed. Nightmare Foxy though was just glaring at me... the entire time. I kept thinking about why Foxy was glaring at me 'til my train of thoughts was interrupted by a familiar sweet voice. "Freddy are you there?.." It was Luna's voice. "Yes, I'm here." I responded while climbing out from under the bed. A smile immediately crept on her face when she saw me. But that smile slowly faded for an unknown reason. "Luna what's wrong?" I asked in a worried tone. "I-..I had a bad dream last night and... I wanted to talk to you about it..." Luna said with more worry and fear glinting from her eyes. "Go on, you can talk to me about anything." I said. Luna inhaled deeply before saying something that truly shocked me. "I... had a dream where you were trying to fight against others to protect me, but one was able to kill me..." My fatherly instincts instantly kicked in and I hugged her tightly, but not too tight that I would crush her. "Luna listen I'll never let you die. Never! I don't care if I have to fight every Nightmare in this house! I don't even care if I die! I just want you to be safe... I promise I'll protect you.." I said stroking the back of her head. I couldn't get the thought of her dying out of my head. Luna started rubbing the back of my head too. "It's ok Freddy, I trust you that you will protect me. Your kinda like a father to me." What she said shocked me once more, but not of worry, but shock of... happiness. 'She thinks of me as a father!' I have never felt this type of happiness. The only other happiness I have ever felt was evil-happy. I smiled down at her, hugging her a little tighter. "Ahem, Freddy what do ye think your doing?" Suddenly all of my happiness was replaced with worry and.... fear? I knew who's voice this belonged to. That was Nightmare Foxy's voice. I quickly turned my head around with my ears perked up. Nightmare Foxy was with Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Fredbear, watching me with Luna. "See lads I told ye he was protecting the little rat!" Nightmare Foxy said looking at both Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Fredbear. "Freddy have you lost your mind?!" Nightmare Fredbear yelled at me. "Yeah! What in the world made you wanna be like Nightmare?!" Nightmare Bonnie also yelled. "G-guys it's not what you think!" I said putting my hands up in a 'surrendering' way. "Oh really? Then explain why last night ye and the rat were talking to each other, even when you said you couldn't find her!" Nightmare Foxy said. 'How could I have forgotten about Foxy in the closet?!' I mentally screamed at myself. I stood up and wrapped one of my arms around Luna in a protective manner. "Listen lad, we can either make this easy or hard. The easy way is where you just give us the rat to kill, or we can go the hard way of where we take her away! So what will it be Freddy?" Nightmare Foxy explained. Now I really had a choice to make! I didn't want Luna to die but what would happen if I didn't giver her to them? What would they tell Nightmarrione?! What would they do to the Freddles?! What kind of punishment would I get?!! I let of Luna but still keeping her behind me. I knew what I had to choose. "No, you'll have to fight me if you want her." Before I knew it Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Fredbear ambushed me, knocking me down to the ground. I tried to get a hit on one of them but they already had a grip on me. "You've made the wrong choice lad and you'll pay with the little rat's life." Nightmare Foxy said walking past me, Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Fredbear. My eyes widened when I saw Luna standing there, watching us with fear in her eyes, as Nightmare Foxy slowly walked towards her.

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