Chapter 5. Luna's Pov

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I was in a state of shock. Did Freddy really give his own children scars?! Why did he give them scars? Was it because they annoyed him?... What would happen to me if I accidentally annoyed him?... I slowly started backing away from Nightmare Freddy and the Freddles. I thought about running out the door but concluded that would be a bad idea. "Oh, uhh... don't worry I can explain." Nightmare Freddy said with a hint of worry in his voice. "I only gave them scars because it can be difficult to tell the difference between each Freddle without them." What he revealed didn't make me feel better, matter of fact it only made my fear rise more. Just the thought of getting a scar by someone who cared about about me just so they can tell me apart from someone else made tears prick the corners of my eyes. Nightmare Freddy sighed before saying, "Listen kid, I know you probably don't trust me anymore but just remember that I am your only hope to get out of this death game alive, so that means you do as I say, and I say you need to get some rest." A few questions came to my mind once he said that. Can I really trust him after what he said? What if one of the other monsters decide to kill me in my sleep? Was he also going to give me scars once I let my guard down? So many of these questions came running throughout my head making it hurt. "You're stressed, I can tell. But don't worry I will protect if anyone does want to sneak in." Nightmare Freddy said. Well, sleeping did really sound nice and I really needed a way to calm myself down. "O-ok Freddy, I'll rest. Just promise me that you or anyone else won't hurt me while I'm asleep.." I said. Freddy smiled before scooping me up in his arms and gently laying me on the bed. "Kids, I have some jobs for you. 1 you will watch the right door, 2 you will watch the left door, and 3 you will watch the closet. If you boys see anyone, tell me got it?" Nightmare Freddy said, while tucking me into bed. All three of the Freddles nodded and took to their assigned jobs. "Oh, and one more thing Luna. I must warn you, these next nights will be long and unmerciful, but don't worry, I will be with you and protect you." Nightmare Freddy said in a gentle and soothing voice. I yawned as my eyelids began to drop. Nightmare Freddy patted my head and whispered "Sweet dreams, Luna." And before I knew it I was in a deep sleep.

???'s Pov
Little Luna, such an extraordinary girl. I have to warn her about this... Nightmare Freddy and his friends. I just hope that she will listen to me this time. Even though I'm technically dead, I will do everything in my power to convince her to no longer trust Nightmare Freddy. Even if it does mean I have to... make a few enchantments..

A New Family (Nightmare!Freddy X Child!Oc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now