Chapter 3. Luna's Pov

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I approached the right door, listening for any breathing, and as soon as I heard it, I slammed the door shut as tightly as I could despite not being very strong. Now I was on the verge of tears as I felt my heart beating faster and faster as each second passed. I took deep breaths as an attempt to try to calm myself down. "You know, taking deep breaths while in the middle of a death game that has to do with hearing breathing isn't going to really help." My heart nearly stopped when I heard a deep, mechanical-like voice behind me. I dropped my flashlight and slowly turned my head to see a monster-like bear sitting on my bed staring at me. Frozen in terror, all I did was stare back. The bear did eventually hop to his feet and start walking towards me. Was this it?... Was I going to die?... The thought made my eyes start tearing up. While backing away I tripped on one of my toys and found myself trying to crawl away. "P-please don't hurt me.." I finally squeaked out before closing my eyes and braced for my demise. "Oh, don't worry I'm not going to do anything terrible to you." The bear said in a gentle tone. I open my eyes to see the bear was crouched right in front of me. His eyes dimly glowing while staring at me. "H-huh?.." Slightly confused at his answer, since I thought he was going to kill me. 'maybe he's trying to trick me, but why would he?' We both just kept staring at each other until the bear finally said: "Oh, I almost forgot my name is Nightmare Freddy. And yours is?" He said taking off his hat and bowing at bit before putting back on. "I-it's Luna.." I hesitated before speaking. As I stared deeply into Nightmare Freddy's orange glowing eyes all I could think of was all the millions of possibilities of what he would do to me, all ending in my brutal death. Then one thought crossed my mind that proved the other thoughts wrong. 'Wait, if they want me dead then shouldn't he have already killed me?' Before any more thoughts could cross my mind, Nightmare Freddy held out his paw. "So, do you trust me Luna?" At first I didn't trust him enough, but then I thought. 'He may be my only hope to surviving this' I hesitated but slowly grabbed his paw. "I trust you.."

A New Family (Nightmare!Freddy X Child!Oc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now