Chapter 11. Luna's Pov

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Nightmare Freddy came back from under the bed with a small blue notebook. 'I wonder how many poems he's written, and if he has any non-nightmare fueling ones.' I thought to myself. Nightmare Freddy flipped through the pages. Each page making a worried face increase on his face. Finally he stopped on a page and cleared his throat (?). "It's a little.. dark so, if you get scared just tell me ok?" Nightmare Freddy said. The Freddles all jumped up onto the bed and cuddled right next to me. I nodded and the Nightmare started singing. "I come for you guised by veil of night~. In the shadows I creep just out of sight~. My trap is set to take your life~. As I sing my deadly lullaby~. Time ticks by, I wait patiently beneath your bed~. There's no escaping me~. The games we play running through my mind~. As I sing my deadly lullaby~. And in the darkness you'll weep and cry~. But no salvation shall come in time~. With morning near you'll meet your demise~. As I sing my deadly lullaby~. With my purpose filled~. I look into your cold dead eyes~. And I weep, as I sing my deadly lullaby~." My eyelids drop as the song ends. His was soothing and calm when he sung. Nightmare Freddy seemed to notice my sleepy state and sat next to me, rubbing my head. "I hope you liked it Luna, now go to sleep." And with that I was asleep.

I woke up in a completely dark world. I knew where I was. I've been here before. I knew HE wanted to talk to me. I felt a dark presence behind me, HE was behind me. I sighed. "I know your here." I said. "Oh my, it's almost as if  you read my mind." HE said sarcastically. I sighed once more. "What is it that you want?" I said as I turned to look at HIM. HE blended perfectly in the darkness, with only HIS white eyes and white outlines of HIS body showing. "I just want to talk to you about this Nightmare Freddy.." My eyes widened at this. "W-what about him?" I asked HIM. HIS dark presence looked over me, but I wasn't afraid. "I had a couple of visions about him." HE said. "It's quite important to hear since both of the visions have to do with your life.." HE said as he went down to my level. HE tried to move some of my hair out of my face, but since HE was a 'ghost' HE couldn't, so I moved it for him. HE then 'cupped' my check. "The first one was about him fighting others, but one was able to.... end you. The second one was where he betrayed you and left you to die. Take this as a warning little Luna.... I do hope I don't have to see you die..." And then he vanished leaving me and my thought. 'N-no he wouldn't betray me, he just wouldn't! Sure maybe the fighting for me seemed the most reasonable but.... why did they both end in me dying!' I inhaled deeply trying to calm myself down. Maybe... maybe his vision was wrong. Maybe I won't die and Freddy doesn't have to fight anyone... but what if his visions were true?...

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