Chapter 15./Epilogue Luna's Pov

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I moved my hand over to Nightmare Freddy's snout and softly pet him. I was still weak from the blood-loss but at least I was alive and awake. "Luna I'm so sorry, I promised I'd protect you but I failed and you nearly die-" "But you were protecting me." I said smiling. "B-but... I couldn't save you from Foxy.." Nightmare Freddy said with a guilty and shocked look. "You refused to let them kill me so you did protect me." I said. "Luna can I ask.. how are you alive, I mean you did lose a lot of blood.." Nightmare Freddy asked his expression changing to confusion. "HE gave me another chance.." I answered. "Who, Foxy?" "His name isn't important but, I'll tell you one day.." I said. Nightmare Freddy's face changed back to happy again. "I don't care, just as long as your alive.." Nightmare Freddy said hugging me softly once more. He kinda reminded me of my old father. Although I love my current family, they didn't understand me like me old family did. But now I have a new family here. One that may understand me. But I knew one day... I'd have to tell him.

A New Family (Nightmare!Freddy X Child!Oc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now