(Chapter Eight)

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I went down since I had to have breakfast to go to school, on the table there was a note written by my mother
"Hello darling, sorry for this, I decided to leave and leave you in charge of the house, I don't think I'll come back so take care of yourself a lot, I love you but I can't with that much load, leave money in your bank account, don't worry because there is a lot of money, be happy and don't get pregnant, with love mom "
-But what the fuck- I threw the letter in the trash and started crying, finally I was alone now, alone against the world and what it takes to live in it, I didn't feel very well so I had no desire to go to school. school, I went up to my room to lie down again and cry, crying and crying was the only thing I did, so much doing that I fell asleep, I woke up and saw the clock, it was 3:00 in the afternoon, I saw my phone and had 10 calls from Braeden, 3 from Dylan and 5 from Cole, I didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment so I returned our calls, I went to see if there was anything to eat so that hunger had returned, I changed and I I washed the dry tears that I had on my face, I was a total mess, my eyes were very puffy and I was completely pale I went down and prepared a cereal with milk, I turned on the tv and I started to watch "Courage the cowardly dog" this program I always watched with Dylan and Braeden since Cole didn't like it very much, I was so spoiled watching the series but they played the doorbell, I stopped and put the plate on the table in the living room, there and it was the newly named Dylan
-What are you doing here? -He did not answer and went to sit in the living room
-We called you all morning, why didn't you go to school? We thought you had an accident or something like that-
-My mother left, now I said definitively, she left me a letter telling me that she was leaving and that she had left me money in my bank account, I know that the other day I was not thinking of telling her that I would leave but this is already a reality, I am Alone against the world, completely alone-I don't know when, but I was already crying in Dylan's arms, he stroked my hair and my back and told me that everyone was going to be fine.
-You are not alone and you will never be, you have Braeden, me and Colee, you will never be alone-this made me cry more so I hugged Dylan again, when I had stopped crying I stopped hugging him
-I think I should call Braeden, I must be worried-
-I would say too much, a little more and he started to cry because you did not answer him, in fact I was thinking that maybe you had bored you with your relationship -when I said this I started to laugh, Braeden was sometimes very extreme
-I would never get bored of him, I really love him, you know? -
-I have it very clear, they literally spill love everywhere, I could not say the same for Addison and me, these last days I do not know what he really wants in this relationship-
-You should talk to her so that you have everything clear, the source of a relationship is trust and talk about the things that are not going well-
-I think that is-
-That would be the best dyl-I was going to tell him something else but I got a call from Braeden, I stopped and went to the kitchen to answer
-Please forgive me, I really don't know what I did wrong, I love you, I don't know if you don't feel the same about the other day, you already know, I'm really sorry for whatever I did, please forgive me no I want to lose you-
-Braeden, are you crying? -
-Shit, of course-
-Hey sometimes you are very extreme, you know, I did not go to school because something happened about my mother not because she was angry with you or to stop feeling things for you after having sex -the last word I said in a low voice since dylan was still in the room
-Ohh, I'm a fool, sorry, what happened to your mom? How bad is it for not going to school? -
-I don't really know, I think so, come and I'll tell you, Dylan is here-
-Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes, well that's the time it takes to go to your house-
-ok, I'll wait for you, don't be late-


-I'm very sorry, I know you have daddy issues and mommy issues, I couldn't say I understand you but I'm with you, I'll support you in whatever kate, if you were my little girl I would do everything in my power to make you happy, today I was scared too much when you did not answer, I thought there would be no more us, I love you Kateryn Miller-he said this and kissed my forehead and then my lips, Braeden was so sweet that I don't even think I ever bothered with him
-I love you Braeden Matthew Lemasters-
-and I love you darling-he hugged me closer to him, we were in my room lying down, Dylan had gone to buy pizza and to look for Colee in the car that they had given Braeden
- Shall we go to a Halloween party tomorrow with the boys?
-That would be great, what time is it? -
-at eight but it would be better to go at nine-
-Okay, what are you going to dress up as? -
-Fairy, what suit will you wear? -
-In that case you are going to be the prettiest fairy of the whole party, I think I'll wear the Peter Pan costume-
-Then we will go themed-


Today was Drew's Halloween party, Cole was dressed as a baquero and Dylan as a clown, we entered the party and at first he was bored but every time he raised his tone, as the hours passed and everyone was so drunk that they did not even remember their names , Dylan and Cole danced like crazy on the dance floor, I was watching how they did it, I looked next to me and Braeden was gone, I don't know when he had left, I went up to see if he is in one of the hundred rooms that they had in this house, on some occasions I would have loved to take out my eyes, too many occasions I would say, until I reached the seventh and there he was sitting on the floor on the foot of the bed with his cell phone in hand and a bottle of alcohol
-Hey, what are you doing here? -I sat next to him but he walked away
-you cheated on me Kate, I really loved you, you are the woman I wanted with all my soul and that's how you pay me-she said crying to the sea, she was red and in her eyes you could see helplessness and sadness
-What are you talking about Brae?, I have not deceived you-
-A boy from the party showed me the photo Kate, you were kissing with Drew-
-show me the photo-he showed me a photo in ka that Drew was kissing a girl with the same fairy wings that I had
-Braeden that's not me, I'm not even blonde-he seemed to recap and saw the photo again
-ohhh ... you look a lot like her-
-What are you talking about, I don't even have that same tutu-
-I'm terrified that you had changed me for this blond fool with blue eyes, I am nothing compared to him, I am full of pimples-
-You are much more than Drew, also I do not find it pretty, you do, -he started to cry again and hugged me for the feeling putting his head on my chest, I hugged him and caressed his back
-what happens now love? -
-I'm afraid of losing you, you are an incredible girlfriend, you make all my days not gray and you give me the best sex in the whole world-
-Braeden !, stop talking about those things-
-sorry, sorry, he said laughing
-drunk on Halloween huh? -
-Yes, I'm drunk on Halloween-
-but a very charming drunk-

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