-Do you want to swing a little? -
-Yes I think so-we sat on the swings in the park near our apartment, there was no morning in it, it was 1:40 in the morning and Braeden was burned so we went out here, we sat down and started swinging
-They are really doing well in all this-
-That's true, I really like my life, I like what is inside of it, I would never have thought to get here-
-this is the same thing that happens to me, I feel that everything that is happening is coming at the right time-
-kate? -
-mhm? -
-I never thought I had a relationship as true as the one I have with you, I always thought that they would get bored with me or they were just my girlfriends out of pity-
-I am not with you out of grief, also the grief would not last me more than four years-
-Sorry, it's very cold here-
-Do you want my jacket?
-Okay-he took off his jacket and I put it on, it was too big
-You look adorable- he said laughing and gave me a kiss on the cheek
-I love you breh-
-I love you more angel-(...)
-I will be back in two hours, I will bring dinner, I love you-
-I love you, I'll wait for you-braeden came out and took his keys, I went to the living room and turned on the TV, I put on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, yes, I'm a big Harry Potter fan, I was already going where they kill Cedric and they rang the bell, I was not expecting anyone, I stopped the movie and went to open the door
-Hi Kateryn-
-What are you doing here? -I said almost like a whisper
-Don't you greet your father? -
-you stopped being my father when you left-
-I come to apologize darling, I know I'm the best father but we all deserve a second chance-
-Agust you hurt me a lot, you still do, you didn't think of me when you left? At first I didn't cry but then the only question I had in my head was, where has my daddy gone? -
-I'm so sorry Kate, I really didn't think about all that damage, please give me a chance-
-I don't know, you broke my heart Agust, you left me a bad taste, a bitter taste when you left, when I was a teenager I cried every night because I blamed me for your absence, you did not love me? Why did you give me alone when but did I need you? --I didn't know what decision to make Kate, I know I hurt you, I can't change the past but now yes, please Kateryn, I beg your forgiveness for everything, just forgive me-tears fell and fell from my eyes, I put my hands on my face and I began to cry even more, I felt that he hugged me, my legs were shaking and my heart was strengthened, I was crumbling until I was on the floor, he held me back and began to sing the song that he sang to me when I went to bed, I needed to my father more than ever but he never appeared, now that everything is fine appears, due to the lack that he made me, I clung a lot to the male figures that entered my life, he made me depend on someone, I suffered a lot when I understood that my father was gone, he did not know how to react to all this
-Kate I'm a damn loser for doing all this to you, I hate myself for all this, Kate I love you too much, I really apologize, from my heart-
-It's okay dad, I forgive you-he hugged me with much more force and I hugged him, for 16 years I did not hug my father, I needed this, I really needed(...)
-those guys really liked music-
-Yes, his band is becoming much more recognized, I'm very proud of them ... wait, it's braeden, I'll open it, he lost the keys again-
-Braeden? What would Braeden do here? -
-He is my boyfriend,dad, since I was 17, we will turn 5 on October 5-
-I saw it coming, they always liked each other-I stopped and went to open the door for Braeden, he came with Chinese food apparently, he gave me a kiss and I went in, he did not notice my father, he left things in the kitchen and there he was realized that he was there,
-Who is Kate? -He looked somewhat upset, he didn't recognize my father
-Don't you remember him? He's my father-
-ohh, hello Agust, how's everything going? -
-Very good son, sorry for coming without warning but I had to fix things with Kate-
-Yes, do you want dinner? I bought Chinese food-
-as you want son-in-law-we all sat in the dining room, we began to eat and began to talk about all the things that had been lost these years, I still held a little resentment but there is nothing to do, my father would stay today at home and then find another place to stay, sleep in the guest room
-Did you forgive him?
-I think so ... I don't really know-I rinsed my teeth and started brushing my hair, we were already getting ready to go to bed
-I know he's your father and all that but he hurt you a lot darling-
-If I know breh, we will see if your love for me will last for more than a week or will leave again, I would wait for it-
-Let's stop talking about it and go to bed-
-Okay-we got out of the bathroom and turned off the light, put on our pajamas and went to bed, in the same position as always, in the spoon position, that's how we had gotten used to it these years and that was the only way we could both sleep well
- good night doll-
-good night breh-

This is love? (Braeden Lemasters)
Fiksi PenggemarKate and Braeden have been friends for a lifetime, but have always wanted to be more than that, will it be hard for them to discover their love? Will this be nothing more than adolescent love or is it forever?