(Chapter six)

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Today was Cole's birthday, Cole was a very reserved person, let's say, he didn't want to have a big party like my birthday, we invited Dylan's girlfriend and his, Drew, a senior boy, Zack, a friend of They and Cole's sister, it was already Halloween too and I wanted to find out what I could dress up as, the school party was a surprise so we would tell him that that day we would be busy and we could not spend the day with him, the meeting would be in my house since my mother was not in the house, as always, she was rarely in the house, me and braeden were decorating, cole's girlfriend was putting the food and dylan would take care of bringing school home
-Is this okay here? -I wondered Braeden who was hanging some balloons on the ceiling
-if it's perfect-
-Now you just have to wait for dylan's signal, like magic dylan was calling
-Dylan? -
-We are just around the corner, hide! -I cut the phone and I stopped doing what I was doing
-Guys find each other! -Everyone began to hide, Drew under the table, Zack behind some furniture, Madi Cole's girlfriend in the kitchen, Cole's sister and Addison Dylan's girlfriend were in the kitchen, and finally I and Braeden we hid behind the chairs after turning off the light, I felt that they opened the door and we all shouted surprise, Cole really got scared, I looked at Dylan and he just raised his shoulders, we all went to greet our little school, he approached my turn and it was my time to congratulate him
-I am really very proud of you Coley, I love you too much, you are like a brother to me, I hope our friendship lasts forever-I hug and rub my back
-Thank you for everything Kate, I still love you very much, you are my second sister just like Braeden, well now that I see it this is how I insesto-he said with a strange face
-hey is not insesto! -


the boys were gone, it was three in the morning and he was still here braeden
-Hey, why don't you go home? You can tell you're tired-
-Are you doing me? -I ask a little drunk
-no, I just want you to rest-
-Well, it seemed that you were making me-
-It's not like that Braeden, be too drunk-
-I want to sleep with youooo, today is Thursday and tomorrow is a holiday so there is no school-
-Okay, I'll call your mother-I stopped and went to the kitchen to talk to her
-Hello Mrs. Lemasters-
-kate?, honey is it you? -
-If it's me, I'll call her to tell her that Braeden will stay the night so she doesn't worry-
-Thank heaven, I was already very worried about Kate, I'm glad he's with you, well tell him that tomorrow we have to see about the tickets so that he's here in the afternoon-
-Sorry the nosy Mrs. Lemasters but are you going to travel? -
-braeden didn't tell you?, we'll move to Los Angeles, the boys will leave here too-
-ohhh if I forgot sorry, see you later Mrs. Lemasters, rest-
-You may also rest kate-corte and I looked at Braeden from the kitchen, I really wanted to cry, nobody had told me that they would move, I felt very bad about it, if I did not tell him now I would never tell him so I decided to confront him
-When were you thinking of telling me that you would move to Los Angeles? -
-Don't play the ignorant braeden, you know exactly what I'm talking about-
-I was going to tell you Kate-
-Well, it's too late because your mother told me
-I'm really sorry honey-
-Would you leave as if nothing had happened, would you leave me and start another start without telling me? -
-Kate I'm really sorry, I swear I was going to tell you, I love you and I didn't want to jump you-
-Are you breaking up with me? -I started crying for no reason, I sat on the couch with my hands on my face, he approached me and hugged me
-I didn't want to make you cry honey, the idea of ​​moving came out of nowhere, I promise you, in fact I was hiding it from you because ... because I wanted you to go with me, I talked to my mother and she said that you could stay with us there And then we could rent an apartment, the two of us, I know I'm going very fast but I really feel that what we do is for real-he said looking into my eyes, he smiled at me and put a lock of hair behind my ear
-braeden are you serious? -
-Of course if Kate, I do not want to leave you in this mess alone, I love you too much, what do you say? -
-Of course if braeden-I kiss him, literally, he received me with pleasure Braeden lay down on the sofa and I was on top of him, the kiss was something desperate and fast, Braeden was starting to lift my shirt but I stopped immediately
-What happened? Is something wrong? -I don't feel really ready yet, brae, we've only been our girlfriend for 2 weeks, I think we're going very fast, plus we didn't even have condoms
-I had not thought about that, but you are so cute and apathetic, I would eat you like a blackberry pie-what he said made me smile
-well then could we just kiss? -I think so but let's do it upstairs-
-Okay-I stopped and took him by the hand to go up, all the way the only thing we did was kiss, that was the only thing we really did, we entered my room and went to bed, Braeden was lying with one hand behind and I was on top kissing him
-hey I think alcohol makes me tired, also my lips hurt so much kissing yours-I said scratching my eyes
-Okay, do we sleep? -
-Yes-we lay under the covers and we got into spoon position, I was on my side and Braeden was behind him hugging him by the sintura, we always slept like that, he almost always stayed at home so I was getting used to it
-good night angel-
-good night braeden-

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