Part 7

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Eight o clock had come pretty quickly and so did Usagi.

"Hey Hey! How's my favorite lil vigilante doin?" He said excitedly. He was WAAAY to pumped to hang out tonight, almost like he was putting something off.

"Alright, spill, what are you tryin to avoid this time?" I asked side eyeing him from my couch, I was trying to watch one of my favorite shows on Hexflicks called 'Monster Murders' and it was just gettin good.

He chuckled nervously. "Whaaaat? I'm not avoiding anything! What could've possibly given you that idea???" I raised a brow and he sighed. "FINE! You got me, I'm trying to avoid one of the kid's mothers at the moment. Seems she'd really like to get to know me... if you know what I mean."

I burst out laughing and paused my show. "ARE YOU FA-REAL RIGHT NOW?!?!?!" I couldn't stop laughing, an older woman wants to fuck around with Usagi!?!?

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" He said hoppin over on me. "IT'S SERIOUS! I'VE ALREADY TOLD HER I'M NOT INTERESTING 10 TIMES ALREADY!!!" I laughed even harder, getting a punch in return.

After things calmed down he turned to me, a more concerned look was plastered on his face. "Hey... on a more... serious note... did you get hurt on the way home?" He asked, it almost looked painful for him to ask.

"Huh? No... why are you asking me such a strange question?" I asked puzzled, he knows what I'm capable of so why would he even ask that???

"Well..." He sighs, "Around 7 the subway that you usually take home had collapsed and some people he gotten stuck under the rumble and the heroes had been too late..." He looked hurt explaining it. I put a hand on his shoulder and gave a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, nothings gonna kill me unless I say so! Got it?" I said grinning. He wiped away a tear and smiled, wrapping me in a huge hug.

Little did he know.... I knew all too well about the incident...

(Past POV)

"Shit... shit shit shit! UGH! I can't BELIEVE I let my emotions get the better of me again." I scream at myself, looking at the people who lay motionless on the ground around me.

Get it together! You got this! All you gotta do is pull yourself together and think. ...........! I got it!

*ring* *ring* *ri-* "Hey Bulldozer! Look, Imma cut ta the chase here.... I need a HUGE favor and no it's not helping me hall my couch up the flight of stairs... yeah... uh huh.... Well meet me in the Shinobu district, down in the subway station. Thanks Again!" *click*

Part one of the plan is in action, now to ward off the heroes till after the devastation.... I make another phone call to an old friend and they agree to help.

Bulldozer gets to the scene and understands the job. "Alright then... but,  you do know this is quite a lot of work just to cover up your mistakes." He said getting his equipment ready.

"I know, but I just can't bare to tell Usagi that, because I had gotten pissed at some guy who had knocked me over, I had ended up killing almost 50 people, JUST because I couldn't keep a level head about it. I'd rather keep it a secret if that's alright with you..." I sighed, I really didn't want Usagi to worry about me.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed." He said as he made a zipping motion across his mouth.

I smiled and thanked him again for coming out on such short notice as I took off, away from the scene, straight towards home.

(Current POV)

"DUDE! This place is AMAZING!!!" I said with a mouth full of food.

Usagi had taken me out to a really nice all-you-can-eat buffet place, called Spicy Soul. The food was absolutely wonderful and the waiters were all super kind, even though I secretly wanted to fight a few of the snarkier ones.

"So, He smirked, How's things goin with the big guy? Have ya gotten sick of em yet? Or perhaps you've started taking a liking to him?" My eyes widened as I almost choked on my spicy ramen.

"HMM‽‽‽" I swallowed. "WHAT IN THE BLUE BLAZES YOU TALKIN BOUT?!?!" I was on the defense.

Usagi laughed and said. "OMG, NO WAY! YOU DO???? ARE YOU ACTUALLY STARTING TO LIKE HIM?!?!?"

I groaned. "HELL NO! That'd be a god damn nightmare." I shuddered at the thought. "BUT, I can now kinda stand being around him for awhile."

Usagi sat there bewildered with his mouth hung open. "WOULD YOU CLOSE YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH?!?!?" With that he closed his mouth and shook his head.

"My bad, just never thought you'd ACTUALLY start to like the guy." He said sounding some what sad, depressed even.

"HEY!" I said pulling him out of it. "Ya know that he'll never take me away from ya. He'll! I usually get to do whatever I want when I hang with you. Can you IMAGINE how BORING it'd be to hang with that big Goodie Two Shoes???"

He started to laugh and shook his head. "Yeah, guess I didn't consider how bored you'd be."

After we got done eating, I looked at my phone and smiled showing the time to Usagi. "Is it that time already? Guess we better start to head out so you can dick with your Boyfriend.~" I reared my head back and glared at him.

As soon as we got done paying we walked to a nearby stall and threw on our outfits. I started to giggle at all the plans I had to dick around with that gumwad when someone walked in. I quickly hid while Usagi tried to distract their attention just long enough for me to sneak out.

As I waited outside I noticed a couple of my villianous buddies walkin by. "Heya guys whatchya doin on this side of town?" I said as I started to walk up to them.

"Oh Heeey Saigo no iki! We like comin to this side of town for the exotic food and accessories." Hellrider said grinning happily as he held a few bags in hand as Quinn rolled her eyes.

"He'll throw a fit if we don't go at LEAST once a week to pick up his favorite snacks and such." She said shaking her head, then looked up at me. "How bout you? Whatchu doin on this side?"

"I wanted to check out the new all-you-can-eat buffet place on Kiluo Street, it's called Spicy Soul and lemme tell ya, it's well worth it!" I said laughing as I patted my stomach. "Well, I'm on my way to mess with the big man again. You two best be careful not ta get caught, got it?"

They nodded and waved me off as they continued down towards Edmond Ave. I smiled and then turned towards the changing rooms. Noticing Usagi's ears peaking out. "You can come out now." I said smiling.

He slowly and cautiously looked around before coming out. "Well now that we're ready, you go on up ahead, I'll meet cha a bit later on, gotta go take care of somethin real quick."

I nodded and headed off towards the downtown area, mainly to where the Fatman patrols the most often. "Can't wait to cause some REAL havoc."

(Sorry It took me so long! I've had severe writers block 🚫 for quite sometime. I hope this ain't too bad. Also... remember those two characters I mention.... they may come back in a future chapter. 😈)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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